Thursday, June 06, 2024

Two Jack in a Pulpits (Two Jacks in a Pulpit?)



  1. 14 funniest American commercials of the 70’s [Click] Not having a TV set in the 1970’s, I didn’t see these; I remember there was a political candidate who used the slogan “Where’s the beef?” and now I know where it came from.

  2. DNC Phownix billboard tags Trump as convicted felon [Click] A trifle wordy, but OK. Now to repeat it, say a few tens of thousands of times.

    1. Oops--need another cuppa coffee; PHOENIX

    2. Either another cuppa or skinnier fingers. Coffee is easier.

    3. Don't worry Alan--I've been to Phownix and it's a nice place. 8-) nordy

  3. It's a perfect day. It's 68 degrees with barely a cloud in the sky. We are nearing the solstice with 16 hours of daylight. Outside the window my tree moves gently in the breeze. Days like this make the troubles of the world recede. nordy

    1. Beautifully evocative. Thank you.

    2. {listener}
      I’d be happy with a whole Summer of days like that. 🌿

    3. Just checked our weather report; it's cooling off-- all the way down to 102F. High was 103F. We hid out inside most all day. Tomorrow will be the same, and we're in for a bit of a cold snap after that--97, 94, 95F.

    4. Here (Oak Park, IL) it is in the 70s but quite windy as I want for myy dental cleanting and checkup Semi-bad news is that there are two small avities that will need filling.

  4. Two guidance meetings today, then I got in some flower gardening. I really need another studio day, but the weekend is coming. Just so frustrated with Judge Cannon. I hope Judge Merchan gives us something solid that feels like justice served.

    1. Judge Cannon reminds me: Have ya heard about the three judge pannel down Georgia way that might, maybe see their way clear to looking into whether D.A. Willis should or should not be removed from her case, oh, roundabout October? And that's just when they might, maybe, start hearing initial oral arguments. No telling when they'll finally rule. GRRR! It's so frustrating!

    2. Last I heard TFG was still ignoring the order to sit for an interview with his probation officer. I would be satisfied to have him paroled to a secure psychiatric facility until he was cured of his senility.

    3. Now, you raise a point I have not heard any discussion of; namely, what happens if he never gets around to sitting for that interview before Sentencing Day rolls around? What can the judge do about it?

    4. As I understand it, despite it being "ordered," there is no penalty for failing to attend. But such failure gives the judge more latitude in deciding the sentence.

  5. Replies
    1. Glad they got off the ground and made it to the Spaced Station.

    2. Yes. Still rather amazed that SpaceX got it done years faster, better, and for a fraction (a third?) of what Boeing did.

    3. NASA provided Space-X, an inexperienced startup, with extra help. They assume Boeing, an experienced space/defense contractor, would not need help.

    4. I seem to have confused the Boeing Starliner capsule with the Lockheed Martin Orion capsule. Per Wikipedia:

      “Boeing won a US$4.2 billion contract to complete and certify the Starliner by 2017, while SpaceX won a US$2.6 billion contract to complete and certify their crewed Dragon spacecraft.”

      “Because of the multiple delays, Boeing has lost more than $1.5 billion on the project. It has also faced scrutiny from NASA's inspector general, which estimated the per-seat cost for the spacecraft to be $90 million, over 60% higher than the $55 million for the Crew Dragon.”

