Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Sound of Music at the Von Trapp Lodge, Stowe VT

This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the The Sound of Music (as a stage play then a movie), the 90th Anniversary of the Vermont Symphony Orchestra, the 50th Anniversary of VT's Lyric Theatre, so Wil and listener felt it fitting to go to their beyond-stellar performance at the Von Trapp Lodge Meadow in celebration of their own 50th Anniversary. In the audience for the standing ovation were the Austrian Ambassador, as well as Samuel Von Trapp (grandson of Maria), and representation from Rodgers and Hammerstein. A truly wonderful and historical event and experience, on Friday evening. On Saturday we learned that, due to rain, the other three performances all had to be held in Burlington at the Flynn Theatre. So this was the only time that The Sound of Music has been honoured on the Von Trapp estate. We are still in awe. 

                          The children were so good.                       photo of Sam Von Trapp


                This soloist for Climb Every Mountain…sung here on the Von Trapp estate
                                      in the hills of Vermont…did a finer rendition than the original!
                                                                      We were awestruck!
             The Lyric Theatre chorus


  1. Chain boats and water trains [Click] A type of transportation that I had never heard of.

  2. Replies
    1. 105 F predicted here.

    2. 66 here. --nordy

    3. We cut our constitutional short this morning--- hardly any breeze, which made it seem even hotter. Our clothing was very damp with perspiration, so into the wash it went.

    4. Forecast:
      Today Plentiful sunshine. Very hot. High 105F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.
      Tonight Clear skies. Low 71F. Winds NW (much better) at 10 to 15 mph.

    5. I see that in listener's area they are still predicting thunderstorms and a chance of tornadoes.
      How's it looking in your neck of the woods, Cat? (Excuse me, I don't at the moment recall the name of your city.)

    6. Cat has been under a 10% chance of tornadoes Watch all day too.
      Up here there have been a number of tornado WARNINGS, though none on my street. Two for Root*Center*Son and one for Eldest. But all's well. If we get tornadoes here they are usually F0 or F1. Of course, microbursts can also do damage. We've had a heavy rain with growly sky a couple times, but the cats are snuggled with me and we're fine.

    7. I just checked the Chattanooga weather. 95F and 40% humidity. Not uncomfortable. Before I left Chicago it was 94F and 50% humidity with sweat pouring off, Go figure.

    8. Youngest had a tornado Warning today too. In all, there was one very impressive funnel cloud about 4 or 5 miles from Eldest's house. Haven't had confirmation yet that it actually touched down, so thus far it is still being called a funnel cloud. But there are photos. Looks like a tornado to me! Ha!

    9. Here in Springfield, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, today was slightly less hot than the past few days, low 90s, but muggy enough to make it still pretty uncomfortable. Don't think it even rained today, though there wasn't much sun. In short, we're fine. Curiously, Alan, our forecast low is also 71.

  3. Saturday I went to the Fremont Solistice Parade and enjoyed its top attraction--the naked bicyclists. There were scores of them, all wearing nothing but body paint and shoes.
    Should have invited Ron DeSantis. --nordy

    1. LOL Nordy. Would you really want to be responsible for a fatal heart attack, even of a Republican?

    2. Wikipedia: Fremont Solstice Parade [Click] An annual event that occurs each June in Seattle, Washington.

    3. The Fremont Solstice Parade has some interesting rules!

    4. Cat, if the Republican were DeSantis, yes. --nordy

  4. Er... The movie of _The Sound of Music_ came out in 1965. By my reckoning, that was not seventy-five years ago.

    _The Sound of Music_ premiered at Broadway's Lunt-Fontanne Theatre November 16, 1959, where it ran for more than 1,443 performances. Mary Martin headed a cast that also included Theodore Bikel and Patricia Neway.

    That was sixty-five years ago, and is no doubt what Listener meant.

    That minor matter aside, it is remarkable, Listener, that you got to see the one and only performance at that very special venue!

    1. Actually, The Sound of Music began before that as a stage play! I should have delineated that and now have done so. Thanks, Cat!

  5. Brian Tyler Cohen video: Prosecutor on Trump prison sentence [Click]

  6. The Bronze Age Collapse (approximately 1200 B.C.E.) [Click] Several clues have emerged in recent years, but the cause(s) are still not clear.

  7. Well, it does happen!

    A Florida family is suing NASA after a piece of space debris crashed through their home

    Of course, NASA could just do the right thing and fix the family's house.

    1. Well, that's a radical idea! Maybe Mr. Biden could make it happen.

  8. Video: Turkey continues to increase military supplies to Ukraine [Click] It has developed considerably since I last read about it.

  9. ‘The greatest thinker you’ve never heard of’: [economist] who explained Hitler’s rise is finally in the spotlight [Click] He had a post at Bennington College for a while. Neither this article nor the linked biography make his ideas clear to me (but I don’t understand what is meant by “neolibralism”), and they disagree about why he fled Hungary.

  10. I think Nordy will back me up on that.
