Custom Cutting Board

The Cherry and Birch cutting board we had custom made for Loch Nest has arrived from Vermont Bowl Company! A very nice improvement, and looks so nice with the cabin floor.

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1:00:00 AM
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Beautiful stuff, listener--nordy
ReplyDeleteVery nice. Lookin' good. - Susan
ReplyDelete‘The other Ellis Island’: the US border area that sees the whole of global migration [Click] El Paso
ReplyDeleteHow a deportation law could break an Iowa city’s immigrant community – and its trust with police [Click] Storm Lake
—Alan [Who doubts most people encountered on the street anywhere in the US carry proof of citizenship or legal residency.]
Doesn't a Real ID drivers license/sate ID constitute such proof? I'm not sure. The Global Access card I carry certainly does.
DeleteIt might. Never heard of the latter.
I assume you've heard of "trusted traveler" (airport pre-check). Global Access is an extension that also facilitates immigration/customs on return to the US from overseas.
DeleteWhen my reservations were made by a government agency I had pre-check service after that started.
Alan: It doesn't sound like you were personally enrolled in the "trusted treveler" program as I have been for more than a decade. This involves a background check and, if you esculate to Global Access, an in-person interview.
DeleteTrump plane spotted next to Putin plane at Dulles during Friday Speech [Click]
PBS video: Saltwater from rising sea levels threatens future of farming along Chesapeake Bay [Click] I am surprised the video doesn’t mention the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, [Click] which I understand to have extensively fractured bedrock, thereby enabling seawater intrusion.
ReplyDeleteHome safely.
More tomorrow.
Thanks for checking in.