Saturday, March 02, 2019

We are already in Meteorological Spring (as of yesterday)


  1. Susan, note for you at the bottom of the last thread.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Edited:

      Hmmmm… I wonder if a tradition like this might evolve and take root in Vermont? Lots of snow and craftspeople there… [Click] The “bear” skins might be a bit of a problem, though. I imagine wanted posters, “tourist” groups of such folk from the Alps, etc… the mind boggles.

    2. LOL! The closest we come is ski masks. No one here would want to chase Winter away!! Snow is our pride and joy!! But I can easily imagine skiers taking to the concept of interesting face designs on their ski masks, so they look really badass slaloming down the mountainsides.

    3. There's an idea; a line of Tschäggättä skiwear, and maybe a Krampus line to boot!

  3. Meteorological spring. So that's why we had a light dusting of snow last night. (Have I ever said I don't like this habit of doing things by calendar months instead of the position of the sun, in large part because it doesn't conform to the actual season we experience.)

  4. Analysis: GOP senators struggle to escape no-win border vote [Click]

    Bernie Sanders draws on personal history in 2020 campaign launch [Click] Still looking for a video of Bernie’s speech at Brooklyn College—haven’t checked YouTube yet.

    Ocasio-Cortez outrages Republicans by refusing to respect their ignorance [Click] “Perhaps the most ridiculous examples of this was Sebastian Gorka … announcing to the crowd that democratic socialists like Ocasio-Cortez ‘want to … take away your hamburgers.’” HA! It’s a lot worse than that, Sonny. We aren’t just comin’ for your hamberders, we’re gonna make you eat free-range, GMO-free, organic tofurkey burgers! And you’ll like ‘em. If you know what’s good for you. Of course, to inhibit the black market in dead cows, we’ll license a butcher shop—a HALAL butcher shop—in each county. And you’ll have to present a license and two kinds of government ID to make a purchase there! BWA HAA HAA HAA!

    1. Awesome. Thanks!! I was feeling verklempt that Bernie announced in NY instead of VT, since I was there last time. But this is okay too.

  5. Via; A crowd of 13,000 sounds impressive to me.

    CNN: “The crowd of around 13,000 supporters, according to a campaign estimates, many of them having spent the preceding hours tapping their sludgy feet to a live band after queuing up around Brooklyn College’s East Quad early Saturday morning, roared back.”

    “Sanders is already striking a different chord as he seeks the Democratic nomination a second time. He has a new campaign manager, a more diverse staff and an inner circle of advisers — some familiar, some new to the fold — that, in its opening stages, has already achieved a small feat: they convinced the 77-year-old Sanders that, as he seeks higher office again, he must be willing to step out of his comfort zone and tell Americans who he is, where he came from — and why it matters.”

    New York Times: “During his last presidential campaign, and throughout his political career, Mr. Sanders has offered a policy-focused message almost entirely devoid of personal details. At Saturday’s rally, however, he did something new: He talked about himself.”

    1. Kamela Harris had 20,000 at her announcement rally in Oakland, but the weather was WAY better. And what's this malarkey about Bernie not saying anything about his history in 2016? They don't say anything we didn't know before; it just shows (as if any more proof were necessary) that they weren't paying attention.

    2. Thanks, Alan. I was thinking the same thing!

  6. A weather report from my cousin on Vancouver Island:

    As to our weather here....daffodils were being picked in January and now they may be damaged because of the crazy polar vortex happening. Two weeks ago we had a huge amount of snow fall ..... 18 inches in my long driveway...which caused me to be blocked for 4 days until a friend a couple of miles away came over with his huge front end loader and plowed our street and my driveway. Had not seen this amount of snow since moving here in 2000. I still can't back my truck into the arena to offload hay for my ponies. One day I had to wheelbarrow 50 lb. compressed hay bales from my truck in the driveway down to the arena. The crust on the snow was so hard that I could wheel it on top of the snow and not break through. Hopefully, in the next couple of days it will melt most of it away. One more week and we are supposed to get back to our normal spring weather which is more like the light rain you are getting.

    1. WOW!

      We drove to north central Vermont today to hear the Vermont Philharmonic Orchestra play. It was a resoundingly gorgeous concert! It was also very impressive to see the huge snowbanks on both sides of the roads up that way, as they are at 1400ft elevation! There were snowdrifts up to the window on some of the houses. Wild!

  7. Yet another of far too many days when my outgoing mail has not been picked up.

    1. Susan, does it happen only on days when you don't have incoming mail, or any ol' day? You might want to have a chat with your postmistress! If your carrier walks the route, I think they are allowed to only carry so much, so maybe on the heavy mail days they aren't required to pick up? You deserve to know the rules.

  8. I just entered that gripe because the little things pile up. "You can sit upon a mountain peak more easily than upon a pin".

  9. ❤️ Greetings from puddle!! ❤️

    Blogger isn't allowing puddle to post, and it will take some effort from her son to fix this mess, but he can't arrive for about a month. So, while she can read the blog fine, she can't post. So, for the interim, she will email me posts and I will post for her.

  10. Already, puddle wants me to say Thank You to you, Alan, for your links.

    Everybody feel free to write notes to puddle, because she can read them. When she wants to respond, she will send me an email that I can cut and paste.

    Hang in there, puddle!! XOXOXOX

  11. Replies
    1. He's the only one who can defeat Trump. He was the only one who could have defeated Trump last time. That's why the Republicrats at the RDNC worked so all fired hard to marginalize him. Frankly, I'm expecting much the same this time.

  12. Hi, puddle! [waves]

    Whoopsie! Parts of Roger Stone’s new book are already on Amazon.. [Click] Judge Jackson ain’t gonna like this… I wonder if Roger is going to get free food, shelter, clothing and medical care courtesy of the US government starting Monday.

    1. Here it is, on Amazon. [Click] Click on the picture of the cover to look inside the Kindle edition.
