Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day

Amid all the hoopla of the election, let's not forget that today is Veterans Day, the day when we remember and honor those who have fought and died to preserve our liberty.


  1. Those who put life and limb where their mouth is are first!

    1. No argument there. What with it being Armistice Day, I wondered if any of my Canadian cousins were lost in the Great War; I have old photo albums with pictures of men in WWI-era uniforms, but my branch of the family had become geographically separated by then, and I never heard anything about it. I sent an e-mail to my second cousin in BC, who found and made contact with me some years ago, to ask if she knows. She has done a fair amount of genealogical research, and organized it better than mine (which complements hers in several particulars). I found the draft exemption for my grandfather (her grandfather's brother)--he had a broken leg as a boy that was badly set, which would have made marching impossible. He also had TB of the hip (later cured by his second wife's ministrations and his immune system--that was before antibiotics for TB). His first wife, my grandmother, was carried off by the Spanish Flu. One of her brothers-in-law was a doctor (by the standards of the day) and I gather he tried to save her with hydrotherapy, to no avail. At least hydrotherapy would have done no harm.


  2. Robert Reich on what happened [Click] Largely right, I'd say.

    I have a premonition that DT won't cause any extra snow to fall in the western mountains, nor will he open up any coal mines in West Virginia or Eastern Kentucky.

    Air quality not good here, between smog and mold, held in place by an unusually low inversion layer. But a cold front is supposed to come through, maybe bringing rain, by Wednesday--and this afternoon the clouds were starting to look like rain--mackerel sky and mares' tails.


    P.S.: I like the idea of an Elizabeth Warren-Raul Grijalva ticket in 2020...nothing like getting ahead, eh?
