Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hills in Vermont


  1. The hills are alive
    with the sound of democracy!
    Go Dean!!

  2. puddle, I left you an answer on that other thread. :-D

  3. testing...


  4. Test works...

    Only two for Thanksgiving dinner here this year (we will make up for it during Xmas and New Year's). A turkey is not sensible for two people; there will be poultry dressing, so some sort of poultry will be in order. I am leaning toward chicken provencal or something very similar.


  5. Weather report: cloudy, drizzle all day, but temps rising. Now up to 52.

    We missed the freezing rain that was predicted for last night.

    1. Two updates: Penny actually got off at almost her usual time, as her coworker decided he could come in then.

      And she tells me that there was freezing rain last night. It had mostly melted as she was going to work around 7 (totally gone by the time I got up) but there were still icy patches. She slipped on one, but no damage.

  6. Hmmmm…… would hills in Vermont be verhills?

    Weather here the past two or three days has been what used to be our typical winter weather--100% cloud cover, cool but not frosty, just a bit of mist a couple of times.

    A nice year-end get-together today--the local Kumamoto Prefectural Association, of which we are honorary members. A nice lunch--mid-day dinner, really, at a big restaurant. The oldest attendee was 99. The karaoke setup we brought seems to have been a big hit, as was Miyoko's singing. We each drew a $20 prize, which means it was all free for us. Not bad! The karaoke player is the only one ever made that plays laser discs, CD's, and DVD's; we got one on eBay for a reasonable price. and matched it up with an LCD TV and a Sony soundbar/woofer, both of the latter from Costco. Also got a good microphone--Sennheiser, on sale.

    Tomorrow off to Berkeley to patronize a potter--the last time we visited, we ordered some custom-made items for Xmas.



  7. This afternoon I did a bit of shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. I perused the whole chickens at the supermarket, and noticed two major changes since the days when I did all my own shopping (back in the 1960's and 1970's). First of all, there were few whole chickens on offer. Second, they were HUGE. Back in the day the average supermarket chick was 2.5 lbs; if one searched carefully in certain groceries one might get one approaching four pounds. The ones I saw today were all SIX POUNDS! After adjustment for inflation, they were much less expensive to boot. And the chickens of my twenties were both larger and far less expensive (in real terms) than those of my parents' youth. Interesting.


  8. chick = chicken


  9. Alan, we will be at Grandson's other Grandparents' home on Thanksgiving, but then hosting Root*Center*Son over the weekend. We decided that for three we will simply have a turkey breast, and are getting it deboned. I don't eat dark meat anyway, and we'll also have our traditional (vegetarian) wheatloaf. Yum!

  10. Bill, I am delighted to hear Penny's news…especially the no damage part!!!
