Sunday, November 16, 2014

Celtic Mountain in the middle of town, Bristol, Vermont


  1. Greetings this fine Sunday!

    We just got home after bringing VT*Grand home, then finding Mah*Sweetie a winter coat. After traipsing through the Outdoor Gear Exchange and the brand new LL Bean, we were pleased to discover a very well made Calvin Klein coat in Macy's at 50% off!

    It looks like my trip to NH tomorrow is a bust as we are to have all sorts and conditions of weather throughout New England. Ah, well.

  2. Home from Windycon. Very tired but pleased on the whole. The party went well except I should have bought more food. Especially more kilacky! The 2 dozen assorted mini-kolacky went in the first hour and a half, and every bite of food was gone before the party was over. But there was a lot of interest in Traincon! and lots of good conversations among the people who hung around. And this Corner King room was exactly the right size for the sort of party I like to run. About twice the size of a standard room, with the extra space set up with sofa, chairs, and a coffee table. It's too bad that there is nothing comparable available at the hotel where the other two Chicago-area cons are located. There you have to go with either an over-large Executive Suite or a somewhat cramped standard room.

    A lot of interest in Traincon! as I was sitting at the fan table as well. I added about 20 names to my e-mail list.

  3. If you want some really great humour to read, check out this weather blog thread!!!
    The guy who runs it, Pcroton, is an armchair weather buff, and he works really hard at it (no one posts so many graphics as he!).
    Well, Pcroton mentioned t’other day on his main post that he’d be away for the weekend (rare). So a couple of the regulars [Aquak9 and Landfall] got a really funny thread going, purporting to having gone over to Pcroton’s house for the weekend, and to be doing all sorts of ridiculous things like using a blowtorch to fix the leak in his dishwasher, and deep frying a turkey in his kitchen. ROFLMEO!!!! Of course, none of it is true, but it reads like SUCH a RIOT!!! The hijinks begin at post #348. ENJOY!!!

  4. Hello, all; this was my weekend at the hospital. Harvests seem to be over, and the fields and permanent plantings are being prepared for the next crops.

    I had some time for recreational reading, and it dawned on me that I had become accustomed to a new way of researching books. As an example, I went looking on Project Gutenberg [] for science fiction books. Among others I found a short story by Philip K. Dick with an interesting title: "Beyond Lies the Wub." Having considerably enjoyed that story, I went to Wikipedia to research Dick's work, and decided that I didn't care to read his novels;, although they are surely interesting.

    I then decided to research Edward Bulwer-Lytton; I found a couple of his short pieces and decided they were not my cup of tea. But despite his current reputation, he was in his day a wildly popular author. (After his mother cut off his allowance because she did not approve of his wife, he seems to have pursued popular writing with a dedication and success reminiscent of Edgar Rice Burroughs.) One of his novels was so popular that it changed gentlemen's popular evening dress to monochrome black; previously it had been more colorful.

    This system of searching for authors is really what I would do in a good library, but much more convenient.

    BTW, after settling on an interesting author I normally purchase used physical books from small shops through [Tip of the hat to Susan.]

