Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Getting ready for Hallowe'en...


  1. NASA rocket explodes six seconds after takeoff. Reports say there were no injuries or deaths. That is truly good.
    Still, my first thought was sorrow for all the creatures living in the marsh into which the vast amount of rocket fuel fell and burst into flames. And what about Mother Earth?

  2. When I called in my crappy phone line Sunday night, I asked the girl who'd said she was in Texas if she was voting. She said yes, but she hadn't decided *who* yet. I figured with her Hispanic accent, I was safe in just suggesting she vote and not getting more detailed than that. At the end of the call I said--and when you vote, make sure you take five friends with you. . . . She laughed and said: I will! Hope she does.

  3. Can you believe I put my gardens to bed today (Oct 29th in NW VT) and found a budding Rose, a Bluebell, Pansies, Yarrow and Sedum all going strong?! I don't recall the growing season ever extending this long here.
