Saturday, July 07, 2012


To gain this vantage point, some teamwork was necessary. First Mizzen and Spinnaker had to knock off the windowsill a very nice ship-in-a-bottle.  Fortunately, it rolled onto the couch and is fine.  Proof positive that it's the sails that control the boat!  LOL!  Note that Mizzen is now nearly as long as Spinnaker!  Spinnaker is still taller, being lanky and having rabbitesque hind feet.  But Mizzen is over 2lbs now, and Spinnaker is approaching 3lbs.  Meow!  =^. .^=  =^. .^=


  1. Vivat Dean!

    Those eyes look pretty spooky...

    Cat--when I was young we had a cat we named Fluffy. One day a strange, wet, bedraggled cat came meowing to the door and my mother tried to shoo it away, until finally she realized it was Fluffy, who had fallen into the fish pond, and was definitely anything but fluffy.

    No luck looking for a record of my father's birth in the next county over, but there remains for now the possibility that his mother's divorce might have been recorded there. I have confirmation that he was enrolled at Ockley Green School (still extant) in Portland in 1920.

    After trying them on a bit in the morning, I wore my new Sanita clogs/shoes to work today. On my feet much of the time for twelve hours, and my feet and legs felt better than they have in months! l With a new pair of shoes just out of the box. Money well spent. I buy a fair amount of stuff from, and despite the whining of bricks and mortar stores to the contrary, it isn't just about price. Convenience is a considerable factor, and the most important factor is simple availability of what I am looking for.


    1. Alan, thanks for the tale about your Fluffy. I'm glad your mother finally realized the identity of the bedraggled, non-fluffy kitty.

      Great to hear about the footwear. It is amazing what a differences shoes can make.

      I've always liked, finding them very reliable.

    2. I'm glad you found what you truly needed!

      I'm in agreement about the convenience and even understand the need for lower prices. That said, I also know that shops like the Bookshop I worked in are going under because of the need for easy, fast and cheap. Still, I wonder if our overextended lifestyles and impatience as a society is a good enough reason to put local shops out of business. I'd have to know a lot more about how much the folks who work for Amazon get paid, what working conditions are like to sustain speed, and whether the workers have any benefits. One thing I do know is that a lot of people get their information from small shops, then buy through Amazon. When the day comes that small shops close, Amazon isn't going to be there with the information and the advice. I think in the long run we are going to pay too much for our swift whistle.

  2. Alan, their eyes light up 'cause they're recharging.

    100 degrees again today. Kinda tired of it.


    1. Susan, it is trying. And we only have temps in the 90s.

      Considering moving to the Outer Hebredies...or someplace.

  3. Didn't win anything in this year's NFB Writers Division poetry and fiction contests. Couldn't say this on FB since it sounds so consummately conceited but the fact is, when I enter, I usually get *something*, even if only Honorable Mention. So it was sort of a shock not to see my name on the list anywhere. Oh well. Humility is good for the soul, I suppose.

  4. At the Playhouse right now! Nice end to a grueling day! More later.

  5. A few minutes ago I located my paternal grandmother's 1919 marriage certificate...with two more family names I hadn't seen before. That makes about ten names she used that I know of, and there could well have been more. How many of those are flat out false I don't know, but I expect several of them are. Of the "real" ones, several probably represent common law marriages rather than formally documented and solemnized ones.

    I am reminded of sampling some canned "wild" sardines at the store today--I asked if they had any well behaved ones. [He ducks.]

    1. Very interesting, Alan. This family history business has turned out to be quite the quest, eh? I hope you're feeling a bit more settled. *hug*

    2. Nice sleuthing, Alan!

      At the Library we have a guy who comes in researching his family tree. He has just discovered that he's distantly related to Woodrow Wilson. He was some pleased to discover this. Of course, that probably shows he's not that strong an historian. LOL!

  6. I must be getting old. Of the roster of "stars" announced for A Capitol Fourth, I only recognized two, Cool and the Gang and Matthew Broderick. At that, I'm so out of touch that I didn't know Matthew Broderick sang. *sigh*

    I grow old, I grow old
    I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
    Shall I part my hair behind?
    Do I dare to eat a peach?
    I shall wear white flannel trousers and walk upon the beach
    I have heard the mermaids singing each to each
    I do not think that they will sing for me

    [from memory, so possibly somewhat inaccurate]

    Even when I was young I loved that passage. It is so evocative of loneliness and foregone possibilities.

  7. Cat...Thanks for the peachy quote...makes me think of puddle!

    Susan...Thanks for the "recharging" comment. :-D Made me LOL! I have blessed you so many times this Summer already for our 02 Cool fans! They saved the day once again this week when Sweetie had to work upstairs at the computer and there were no plugs available nearby.

  8. So, the play was quite good tonight. Helps.

    Work was grueling today because for some reason we got about twice as many people as usual. There wasn't a moment to stop at all. I wasn't feeling top notch to begin with, either. SO I came home and took a big nap for an hour and a half. Naps are awesome! (Talk about recharging! I wonder if my eyes were glowing. LOL!)

  9. I didn't know Matthew Broderick sang either.

    Perky got away *again*. In the dark, when I was taking him out for one last potty break for the night. I ran to try to keep up with him--lost cause, but I need to keep him from getting TOO far. Whoever he was running to greet apparently ignored him, and he started to run back in my direction. I called him, but he just started to run past me.

    Then I tripped. I have no idea who it was that suggested pretending to fall as a way of getting a dog to come back. I wasn't pretending when I fell, but I remembered the idea at that moment and stayed down. Perky came to me, and I was able to get a grip on his harness and lead him back to the house.
