Shut Up & Sing
This is going to be a very quick post, but I wanted to give a heads-up that the documentary "Shut up & sing" is due to come out in theaters in New York and Los Angeles on October 27. It won't be seen "everywhere" until November 10, but hopefully it will at least be in the news before the elections. Bush and his supporters have repeatedly invoked September 11 as justification for every affront to all that we hold dear about our country. And that was five years ago. If it is true that we must "never forget the lessons of September 11" (whatever those might be), it is also true that we must never forget what we allowed our country to become in the name of "fighting terrorists".

You can watch the trailer on the official movie site.
While I'm on the subject, if you'd like to buy their album "Taking the long way", which featured the song, "I'm not ready to make nice", you can get it through this link...
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