Jesse Jackson on "wolf in sheep's clothing" politics
More from the Rainbow PUSH September Summit. Note that Rev. Jackson does not mention anyone by name here. What you see below is just the image that came to *my* mind...

Beware when Herod says stop by his house, and says "I'm really glad to see you wise men--have some tea." And "I'm looking for the same guy you're looking for, and when you find him, let me know, so that I can worship him too." You must be discernful enough to know that his words are good, but his motives are impure.
Wise men heard the words of the politician. Wise men went back another way.
Today we are facing some "wolf in sheep's clothing" politics. It's all wrapped in faith. Somebody comes to our church and quotes a Bible verse or two, we say, "Oh, he knows something!" Yeah--he knows that you are not aware of being deceived. And that's why Jesus said, "Beware of those who say 'Lord, Lord' and walk past the poor." They're saying the right thing, but they're not *doing* the right thing. (Applause)
Theres a struggle--there are two big political ideas. The two big ideas are "states rights" and "more perfect union". States' rights, including the right to secede. The right to cut their own deals with foreign countries, as in Britain and France. The right to have their own laws by state.
Then there's the other idea of a "more perfect union"--the *United* States. And so Lincoln is on the More Perfect Union team--for that he got killed. Jefferson Davis is on the States' Rights team...
On the States' Rights team is slavery. On the States' Rights team is "right to work" laws--anti-labor. On the States' Rights team is the right to segregate by race, by state. On the States' Rights team are a body of ideas that undermine civil rights, and workers' rights and women's rights. And you should not really be on the Jefferson Davis team trying to get Lincoln votes. You shouldn't be on the States' Rights team trying to get More Perfect Union votes.
In other words, beware of "wolf in sheep's clothing" politics. People who state the right thing, but whose ideas are anti-civil rights protection.
Why I asked you here today is to form an infrastructure. You may have all the right ambitions to get across the Ohio River where it's wide, and you have undercurrents. But you need more than the desire--you need a boat. An infrastructure. Because the waters are too cold and the currents are too swift.
On the need to start creating connections...
Our concerns are the same, but, because we don't know each other, people can operate between the gap on us and undermine us. I see some good people voting for leaders of the Bush team. You cannot be for voter protection and be on the Bush team, because that's not what they stand for. While we fight for increased registration, they fight for increased suppression. Because they win with low turnout, we win with high turnout. Now, you have a right to be on the Bush team, but don't be in our huddle! (Applause and cheers.)
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