Raw Story does in-depth article on Charlie's charges/candidacy
This is what bloggers can do when we work together. In response to the post Helping Charlie--this story needs "legs"!, Rayne commented that a major media outlet was interested in Charlie's story, and that she had given them my e-mail address. Later that day, I received an e-mail from a reporter at Raw Story, and I gave her Charlie's address and the latest update on his situation.
Today, there is an in-depth article about Charlie's plight featured at Raw Story...
Florida House candidate to face litany of criminal charges after alleging vote fraud
In an exclusive interview with Florida House of Representatives candidate Charlie Grapski - arrested after he filed a lawsuit alleging voting fraud against Alachua County City Manager Clovis Watson, RAW STORY learns of corruption allegations that can only be described as not seen since the days of Boss Tweed.Click here for the rest.
Charlie Grapski, a Democrat running for the Florida House of Representatives, was arrested in April after filing a lawsuit alleging that City officials abused power and influenced the outcome of an election by manipulating the absentee voting process. The story, however, does not start or end with election fraud allegations. What Grapski tells is a tale that one cannot imagine occurring in a law abiding country, one of false arrest, intimidation, and a crony-business system all centered around money interests.
Clearly, this calls for a celebration!

That was fun. Okay--back to work!
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