Monday Night Open Thread
For anyone who's not aware of it yet, the Raw Story article about Charlie Grapski (diaried at My Left Wing, and Daily Kos) has been picked up by Truthout.
From the comments of the last thread:
Hi folks, I work at Raw Story. Just wanted to let you know that we get roughly 500k readership daily and that includes national and international media outlets and journalists. I also sent Miriam's piece (am her editor)to my friend Marc Ash, editor at TruthOut and he ran it. They too have a huge readership also read by other journalists. And finally, I asked my PR person to send on my behalf to her entire list of contacts. If this does not help, I don't know what will. Keep up the great work and let's hope this story can be followed up on by media outlets with more resources than we have.Thanks, Larisa!
Good luck and keep us posted.
Larisa Alexandrovna
We never pulled together a list of potential radio shows for people who feel so inclined to call into and share Charlie's story, so I'll post the ones I know of here, and people can add others if they think of any.
Jerry Springer 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. EST 1-877-34-jerry
Randi Rhodes LIVE (3-7pm ET) 1.866.303.2270
Thom Hartmann 12 to 3 p.m. (866) 440-THOM (440-8466).
Guy James 3 to 5 p.m. (866) 546-5254
Ed Schultz 3 to 6 p.m. 1-877-934-6833
I'm still posting about the General Convention over at Faithful Ohio. I thought some people might enjoy one of the links I posted there, to an exhibit of the Episcopal Church and Visual Arts.

Saint Mary Magdalene became "The Apostle to the Apostles" when she was selected by God to witness and proclaim the resurrection of Christ.Things change. They sometimes change more slowly than we'd like, but they do change.
One thousand, nine-hundred and forty-four years later ECUSA admitted women to orders of ministry and governance of the church when, at the 1976 General Convention in Philadelphia, a resolution passed declaring that no one shall be denied access to ordination as a deacon, priest or bishop on the basis of gender. Another resolution declared that no one would be barred from participating in the life and governance of the church, either because of their gender, or because of their theological beliefs concerning the ordination of women.
...and all God's children said, AMEN!
Update: Happy Birthday, mprov! (Don't be a stranger!)

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