Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Go to bat for Christine Cegelis

From Christine Cegelis' campaign web site:

At midnight tonight (March 1st), the Federal Elections Commission will close the books on every penny, nickel, dime, and dollar that our campaign has raised in the past 60 days. When the politicians and media look at those numbers, they'll judge whether they think we can win.

This campaign has never been about $ signs. It's been about you, the people. What you and I believe. What you and I want to change. What's within our grasp to do.

But, until we can change the mindset of the "judges" and re-establish the power of the people, those "numbers" are crucial.

In these final hours, please consider making a contribution of whatever you can afford so that someone other than you can't try to stop us when, with your help, we've never been stronger.

And, if you're planning to donate to Christine, you can give through the Howard-Empowered Act Blue page so that she'll know that it came from Dean people.

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