Some memories of Iowa in Crashing the Gate.
I am reading Crashing the Gate. Pretty good book. I think it will help me regain my focus. Right now I am reading selected portions. A lot of it I knew, but a few parts slapped me in the face. I try to dwell on the future of the party and bringing change, but now and then I allow myself a look back.
In one of the DLC's monthly staff meeting, From explained his fears of a Dean candidacy----his angry tone, his borrowing of the Wellstone rhetoric, his "weakness" on national security issues and his opposition to the brewing Iraq War. From believed that Dean's use of Wellstone's "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" line was directly aimed at Clinton's centrist policies and therefore at the DLC. From took it as a personal affront, saying that "Dean would undo everything that Clinton had stood for" and put the Democratic Party permanently back into minority status......At one point, the normally reserved From pounded the table and said that "the DLC was there to protect the Democratic Party from itself"--said a source who was present.
And this part after Iowa makes me ill. I had heard rumors of this, but just reading the words is awful. This is speaking of a party at the DLC after the Iowa Caucuses.
At the DLC, the day after the Iowa caucus was a joyous one. At a pizza party celebration, Bruce Reed and Will Marshall were giddy with excitement. So giddy in fact, a partygoer informed us, "they engaged in the dorkiest high-five ever, and an effort toward a chest bump. It was sad." Snips from pages 142, 143, 145
I don't think this type of stuff should be forgotten or brushed under the rug forever. If we are to change things we need to remember to an extent and confront the old anger. At least I need to do that, I think.
Anyway, he's back. We're still around. I could say no harm done, but that would not be true. The harm was in Al From's arrogance, and in the attempted "chest bump" of Marshall and Reed. They did not win, they lost. We won more than they even realize today. It will take a long time to get there, but the goal of taking back this party from those "dorks" is well worth it.

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