X marks the...
...dang, I just can't think of a good word for Cheney that rhymes with "spot".Would love to find a rhyme that has the feel of "demonic baby-eating cyborg", but no such luck. I do like this interpretation of Cheney failing on Family Feud (you have to scroll down a bit past the stuff about Schmidt and Bubp to get to it).
In case you missed the story earlier, Media Bistro explains:
Appearing on Hannity & Colmes, Drudge said the X's appeared for "less than a 15th of a second" each. "It was almost subliminal," he said. "However, when you slow down the tape you see Dick Cheney's face with a large X on it."
Well, sure, there are probably all sorts of subliminal (or subliminable) meanings one could read into that. I seriously don't believe that this was done intentionally by CNN--they explained that it was a glitch, they officially apologized, and it was on for a fifteenth of a second, for cryin' out loud!
Still, now that I actually *have* a still of this, it's kinda fun to speculate. Personally, I'm rather partial to the sentiment expressed in this bumper sticker:

So I think that sounds like a plan...get rid of 21st century Agnew first, and 21st century Nixon shortly thereafter.
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