Seattle's King County Honors Rosa Parks
It has been reported widely that Rosa Parks passed away today. She certainly showed that one courageous person can make a difference. I suggest that King County put Rosa's name on a seat at the front of each bus for the next week. We should fly the city and county flags at half staff as well. Rosa Parks was an amazing American. "She accomplished more by sitting down than most Americans do standing up!" Please don't disappoint me by standing by and doing nothing. Take courage for ROSA. Sincerely,
The Metropolitan King County Council has acted on an idear from BFA blogger "Danny" who suggested an inspiring way to honor Rosa Parks.
Danny wrote to Seattle City and County Council members:
According to the County Council's website:
"The Metropolitan King County Council today unanimously approved a motion honoring Rosa Parks’ life and her role in the struggle for civil rights, and asked the County Executive to place a message in all Metro Transit buses dedicating the front seat in her honor for the month of November. Ms. Parks’ refusal to leave her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus sparked a new era in the civil rights movement. Ms. Parks passed away last week. "
'“Ms. Parks is gone, but her act of defiance on a public bus changed all of our lives –- for bus riders and BMW commuters alike,” said Councilmember Dwight Pelz, the prime sponsor of the motion. “It is appropriate that we honor her on the buses owned & operated by Martin Luther King, Jr. County. A new generation of bus riders will see a reminder of how a simple act can change the world.”

It's a great idear from the grassroots, and one that could be emulated all over the country.
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