Thursday, January 30, 2025

When Barns Ride Out the Storm, Like Ships



  1. {listener}
    Teri Mills, RN of Oregon did a fabulous job explaining why RFK, Jr is not a good choice.
    (Her interview begins at the 20:15 mark.)
    Nurse Teri says RFK, Jr unfit for HHS

  2. I find it very interesting to compare and contrast the responses of Canada and Mexico to Trump's bluster. The Mexican President serves a single seven-year term and is potentially very powerful; having very recently been elected, Presidenta Sheinbaum has strong support. In Canada the provincial and territorial premiers are relatively more powerful than US governors; it is no joke when the premiers of Ontario and Alberta say they are prepared to cut off exports to the US. I don't know, but suppose that like other previously British parliamentary democracies, Canadian governments can temporarily proceed by "orders in council" when there is not time to get matters through the standard legislative process, and clean things up later.

  3. {listener}
    “The Office of Management and Budget has rescinded its call for a pause on payments for federal grants and other programs, the White House announced on Wednesday. But the administration said that only the original memo calling for the freeze had been rescinded — not its effort to review federal spending.“
    White House response adds confusion

    1. By adding confusion, Trump assures that the courts will impose stronger interim limits. Sorry, just back from shopping and I lack the news link. A touch of frost and fog this morning, clearing and warming now. I only checked the prices of eggs, but they did not seem to have plunged. We report, you decide.

  4. Legal AF Video: Tesla stock, earnings squeeze [Click]

  5. Emails Offer Glimpse Into Early Days of Trump Inquiry [Click] GASP! The FBI did it by the book!

  6. Trump claims airliner crash at National Airport was caused by DEI. [Click] Sure it wasn’t caused by nefarious Democrats closing that secret water tap in Washington (or maybe British Columbia) again?

  7. {listener}

    Trump jumps right to the blame game over DC midair collision that left dozens dead

    Every incident, near miss or accident is minutely investigated, without rushed conclusions, political bias or uninformed speculation. The result is an industry based on multiple layers of redundancy, faithfully followed safety protocols, pilot checklists and codes of practice that have made the unnatural business of humans taking to the skies safer than climbing into a car.

    President Donald Trump on Thursday ignored all those principles when addressing the disaster in Washington’s crowded skies the night before, in one of the most staggering spectacles in the White House briefing room since his last term.

    In his first national crisis since reassuming the presidency, he put his political goals and need for adulation above the need to find untainted answers about the catastrophe and over the indescribable pain of victims’ families.

    1. It's just not leadership. He wasn't chatting with buddies on Facebook. He was sending his words out to the nation and the world. All the people close to the situation are hurting. By choosing subjectiveness and blame, he did nothing to calm or comfort, just made sure we all knew he wasn't taking any responsibility for anything. Former President Obama and former Vice President Harris both offered words of compassion. That's what leadership sounds like.

  8. Snap out of it, Democrats
    Charles M. Blow
    Syndicated columnist
    The first week of President Donald Trump’s return to power was a flurry of provocations, of attacks on the rule of law and raw exertions of power.

    Part of the point, it seemed, was to bury his opposition in the blizzard, to rapidly follow each assault with another, often greater, affront to democratic norms. The effect was that many people, including many politicians, were left too stunned and disoriented to begin forming a cogent opposition.

    But Trump’s pace of dictatorial executive actions probably can’t be sustained. At some point things will slow down, and in the lull the damage will be assessed. Terror and destruction produce evidence, and his actions against immigrants and transgender individuals, among others, will eventually manifest as cruelty meant to inflict suffering.

    Then, I suspect, outrage will bubble and build as more citizens’ moral opposition to Trump’s methods gains clarity and purpose. People, especially young people, are simply not built to passively absorb oppression. -- nordy

    1. I think Mr. Blow has not been paying much attention.


  9. Thinking about the crash at National Airport, I can't help but remember the time I went to Washington on my first real vacation, about fifty years ago. My flights were through Dulles, which has the most passenger-friendly design by far that I have ever seen. Granted that it is well out in the Virginia countryside. As far as I know, no similarly designed airport has since been built, which seems strange. I wonder if they might have since built a train between Dulles and DC; that would be sensible.

    1. Very interesting. The helicopter acknowledged that it saw the airplane, but while wearing night vision goggles it may have been that they were focusing on the plane coming in behind the plane that was hit...!
      Video update is here
