Sunday, June 09, 2024

In Daughter's Garden



  1. Congratulations to Wil and sons on the trophy!

  2. I disagree with listener about WWIII, at least partially because I don't see Russia and China as firm allies. Neither likes the US, but they aren't really lining up together.

    1. Economically, demographically, militarily, and administratively, China and Russia are both in very parlous condition. It is believed that Putin began the war with Ukraine because it was the last opportunity for Russia to do so before Russia's demographic collapse--- but he miscalculated dramatically. (Note: Russia has two different intelligence services--- civilian and military. One realized that the Ukrainians would fight, the other did not, and Putin chose the analysis that he wanted to hear.) Vladimir IV could go the way of Nicholas II. It is a shame what is happening to Russia, but I don't foresee anyone coming to the country's aid.

    2. Thanks! I'm encouraged. I hope they are too weak to cause worldwide trouble.
      Yet it seems to me the Cold War is electronic now. All too easy.

  3. Two teenage boys got into a fight at Garfield High School. A 17-year-old kid tried to intervene. One of the fighters shot and fatally wounded the 17-year-old and then fled. They still don't know where or who he is. It happened in Seattle but it could have happened in almost any big city. There are news reports of this kind of thing happening almost every night. We all know it needs to stop, but it just goes on and on.

  4. Replies
    1. There has been a sea change in Americans' attitudes toward guns during the course of my life. I trace it back to the US Supreme Court's reinterpretation of the Second Amendment. One of my ancestors was a member of the "well regulated militia" that helped to defend Upper Canada from the US. And there IS a US Militia still---it is folded into the National Guard. Damned if I know how to get the toothpaste back into the tube; is it possible that the US could have an event so horrific that it has the deweaponizing effect that multiple murder case had on Australia some years back?

    2. If it hasn't happened by now, I can't see what could prompt it. How many children have to be killed in their classrooms and college kids on campuses? How many people have to be killed in supermarkets, cinemas, nightclubs...and houses of worship? No, too many people have fallen into utter madness when it comes to guns.

  5. Why are America’s elite universities so afraid of this scholar’s paper? [Click] The Columbia Law Review website was temporarily shut down after it published a Palestinian human rights lawyer’s article proposing a new way to understand Palestinian life under Israeli rule.

    1. Because this past Spring university presidents were interviewed by Congress persons who told them in no uncertain terms that they must keep student protests down. When those protests got strong, college presidents felt the heat and some were discharged.

    2. ^^ {listener}

  6. Re last post on the last thread: Congratulations to Will and the boys on winning the race. Congrats, too, to that gallant lady, Loch Ness.

  7. Listener, thanks for trying my crossword. Having ever only done FunTrivia crosswords on my desktop, I don't know how they translate to other devices.

    Just now resubmitted another crossword, this one with a simpler grid. I'll let everybody know when it goes online. When it does, I'll earn the Four Across badge, awarded for authoring at least one crossword in each of four categories. At that point my tally will be Music, General, Animals and History, for a grand total of seven crosswords altogether (four of them in General). In all likelihood, I won't earn any further crossword authoring badges, but you never can tell. Over the years I've reached several goals on FunTrivia that I thought unattainable; so, never say never.

    1. Come to look into the matter, there appear to be two further crossword authoring badges after Four Across, for a total of five:

      Crossword Super Author - Requirements: Awarded to a player who creates 25 crossword puzzles.

      Crossword Architect - Requirements: Awarded to a player who creates at least 75 crossword puzzles.

      This badge is upgradable, to whit:
      Tier 1 - author 75 crosswords
      Tier 2 - author 100 crosswords
      Tier 3 - author 125 crosswords
      Tier 4 - author 160 crosswords
      Tier 5 - author 200 crosswords
      Tier 6 - author 250 crosswords
      Tier 7 - author 300 crosswords

  8. After a chilly, overcast morning we are now enjoying a beautiful afternoon with sunny skies and a gentle breeze, pleasantly warm without being hot. Ahhh...

    Music video: The Young Rascals: Groovin' - Click

  9. Thanks for the cheers for Wil and Sons and for Loch Nest! She really is the perfect nest on the lake. 😊

  10. Michael Popok | Video: TERRIFIED Trump Plots DESPERATE Moves as CONSEQUENCES HIT HIM - Click

    P.S. I wish they wouldn't use such hysterical titles. Calm, measured, logical discourse is what we need to counter Trump's crazed fear-mongering.

    1. I agree about the headlines.

    2. Yes, clickbait. I wonder how many of them are machine-generated. I steer clear of the ones that report things that have not yet happened, as well as those that have frank grammatical errors, notably plural nouns with singular verbs or vice-versa.
