Friday, February 16, 2024

Small Wonder we won the raffle at Granddaughters' play, eh? 🤣



  1. Notes on the last thread...!

    And, Alan, thanks tons for the Doonsbury flashbacks!
    That's Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!

    We'll be needing a new DT version. Actually...a series. LOL

    1. My pleasure. BTW, I had forgotten the original cartooning style of Doonesbury.

  2. This afternoon I had a scare - took a fall, something that hasn't happened in a long time. I don't exactly know what happened, but I found myself flat on my back with the rollator turned over on my legs. Also whacked the side of my head on the front of the bureau. Fortunately, Sis heard the ruckus and came in to investigate. She got the rollator righted, which I was far from sure I could do myself. She stayed to make sure I got back up on my feet. She said my head wasn't bleeding, though it sure felt like it was! The incident left me pretty shaken, but apparently no harm was done, thank Heaven!

    1. Gee! Glad things turned out all right, considering!

    2. 🙀 Oh, gosh! I'm so glad you got help right away. Did you lose consciousness at all from the bang on your head?
      Keep on the lookout for several days to ensure you don't have a delayed brain response. Ask Sis to check on you from time to time. A friend of mine slipped on cat food in her kitchen and banged her head on the counter on her way down. She has no idea how long she was laying there unconscious before she woke. The ER checked her out and sent her home. Three days later she got symptoms of traumatic brain injury.
      You are likely fine, but just be on the lookout and rest all you can.

    3. It was a standard joke when I was young, at least among males, that the skull is the thickest bone in the body.

    4. Glad things seem to be OK, Cat.

    5. All appears to be well. No egg has developed, and indeed the side of my head is only mildly sore to the touch. No new aches have developed since the fall either. Gosh, but I was lucky!

    6. Thanks for all the good wishes, guys! Though I was slightly stunned for a moment, don't think I actually lost consciousness. Will take things easy and be extra careful for the next few days just in case though.

  3. The Guardian: Donald Trump ordered to pay over $350m in New York financial fraud case [Click] I haven’t yet seen an estimate of accrued interest, only forbidden to be a officer of a New York corporation for three years. Details on Weisselberg plea negotiations.

    1. “Mr. Trump will appeal the financial penalty — which could climb to $400 million or more once interest is added — but will have to either come up with the money or secure a bond within 30 days.”

    2. With any luck he'll have to mortgage or sell Mar-a-Lago, and serve his prison sentence in some little shack somewhere.

    3. Oh, no--- no little shack for TFG; The Big House! Let him have gold-painted bars and toilet, though.

  4. On the way to post office and grocery shopping, we were passed by TWO red light runners; one entered an intersection just as the yellow light was about to change. The other entered the next intersection at high speed well after the light had turned red, but before any cross-traffic had passed over the crosswalks. That sort of thing is why I don't enter an intersection immediately after the light turns to green.

  5. Sky completely cloudy now (2PM), but I shall change and try to complete pruning one fruit tree in the back yard (while wearing hard hat). Shoulder muscles hurt a bit from previous round of pruning, but this might be the last chance I have for several days. No need to cut up the prunings right away--I can just let them fall where they will and get them ready for the trash can(s) later.

    1. More or less got one of the persimmon trees pruned--not perfect, but OK; cut up the prunings and got them into the trash can. Now to be lazy during the evening.

  6. Via TPM: What Trump Really Owes [Click] “The civil fraud judgment against Donald Trump today was for $354.9 million, but there’s been $98.6 million of pre-judgment interest that has accrued, according to NBC News.
    As of today, the actual total Trump owes for this case is $453.5 million.”

    Guess that will do for now . . .

    1. Hmmmm..... $453.5 million, at 9% interest per annum, compounded monthly = 3.4 million dollars per month, if I have not made a mistake. [Estimating the decimal place . . . looks good.]

  7. My pruning muscles are talking to me a bit this evening; I will give them a vacation tomorrow.
