Monday, September 21, 2020

43: International Day of Peace

Peace Rose

A VT Granddaughter is 5 today
This is part of her gift
(shown life size)



  1. I soooo want to share this with Kimmy Cash Fairbaugh!!!

    Transgender Satanist anarchist wins Republican county sheriff nomination on a ‘f**k the police’ platform

    1. It's a different matter, but this reminds me of that time I voted for the headshop owner who won the Democratic nomination for US Representative, on the theory that at least we would know what he was smoking, unlike the Republican incumbent.


    2. 😉

      Every time I read that headline, I burst out laughing!!

    3. BTW, did you ever hear why Chicago went to a jungle primary? They didn't want a Republican clown on the ballot. (Yes, a professional clown had won the Republican primay for mayor the previous year.)

  2. Replies
    1. So, basically, either Susan Collins will do her usual thing of saying the right thing until she does the wrong thing, or McConnell is giving the R. Senators who are in tight races the okay to vote against it, because he plans to wait anyway until after the Election in hopes of keeping the Senate majority, then going forward with the vote before the Inauguration?

      Maybe. But I suspect they will ram it through anyway, and let the chips fall where they may...assuming it will excite their base and get their people out to vote.

    2. Hard to say. I'm inclined at the moment to think they may have made an inescapable political mess from which they cannot extricate themselves but they don't yet know it--- although the brighter ones among them may suspect it. I had hoped for a reasonably calm transition to a new and better order, but things may be so far out of kilter that is not possible.

    3. That would be an optimistic view of it. I am pretty sure they know their way around the block there in Congress. And no doubt there are some back room hijinks in the works. I do not trust them at all.

  3. Botswana says it has solved mystery of mass elephant die-off [Click] Overgrowth of cyanobacteria [blue-green algae to oldsters] in waterholes.

    1. I hope they can clean up the water holes or create new ones, so that the elephants can survive!!

  4. OHIO: As of Monday afternoon, there have been at least 145,165 confirmed or probable cases in the state, 4,623 deaths, and 14,829 hospitalizations, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

  5. D’ye grok? [Click] I must consider which of these to add to my vocabulary! There should be at least one for everyone, methinks.

    1. I grok tea

      It’s also called grog.
      Hampton Beach NH used to have a walk up food place called Grub and Grog.
      Great fried dough and lemonade.

    2. Wait, grok is the verb, grog is the noun.

      I grok grog!

  6. VT: 1719 (+4)
    Still 58 deaths (54 days)
    Down to 104 active cases
    Recovered:1557 (+9)
    In Hospital 2 (+1)
    Tests 156,739 (+844)

  7. 586 new cases of COVID in neighbouring Quebec.
    They’re having a second surge. 😢

    1. Illinois had a second surge in June, shortly after restrictions were eased. It has plateaued at around 2,000 cases/day for more than a month. The predicted post-Labor Day spike didn't happen.


    "A perception exists among much of White America that young Black men would rather loot a store than work a job. This perception serves a lot of wealthy people well, deflecting attention away from their own failures to support the needs of society. But it’s a dangerously twisted perception. People want jobs. They want meaningful work. Given the opportunity, heads of households use their money to support their families, to provide for the essential needs of life. Numerous studies back this up.

    So what has kept this from happening? A decades-long wealth grab by the richest Americans has left millions of Americans on the brink of poverty — and poverty begets violence, as numerous reputable sources suggest. And the lack of living-wage jobs has contributed to violence, as suggested by numerous other sources.

    Martin Luther King said: “I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard.” About 90% of America has been largely unheard since 1975."

    1. So true.

      I want that MLK quote on a shirt or bumper sticker!

      1975, eh? Interesting. I graduated high school in 1973. So, basically all my adult life.
      Except perhaps Howard Dean...who screamed for us, lang syne.

      Y'know what's funny? After I saw that hilarious article I posted at the top of this thread, about the primary nomination in NH, I sent it to some people who might be able to get it to Kimmy. Then I went to sleep. This morning I woke up realizing I had just had a dream that included some folks from the Dean days, including Howard. He was perusing a list of the people he had worked with on his campaign and saying who he'd hire again or not. Weird. I can only imagine that the dream came about because of that article!

    2. Did Howard have pink hair? [grin]
