Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Welcome, May!!


  1. Clinton-era politics refuses to die. Joe Biden is its zombie that staggers on [Click] “Biden thinks he’s well positioned because after the shock of the Trump years, people want to go back to where we were. Wrong.”

    1. I still prefer Bernie.

      I would, though, vote for Biden over DT. I couldn’t vote for HRC.

  2. On another note, in Drawing class on Monday I drew a human figure (a small reproduction of a classical statue) as part of a fairly complex still life tableau. It turned out well! That is only the second time I have attempted the like--the first time was about sixty-five years ago. Quite amazing, really!

    1. You begin to see how much of real art is practice!

  3. Replies
    1. As for the second article: 1. Iowa is not a Rust Belt state. It's not clear what these results have to do with Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan; 2. These are by definition counties that voted for a black man in 2008, so "racism" has to be taken in a very unusual way.

  4. Replies
    1. cold cold cold, here.

      And I'm not complaining!!

  5. Wil says:

    Bad as DT is, the people supporting him are worse. He's the tip of the spear, but they're the force behind it."

  6. So, shall we all call Barr's office and say that We the People want him to resign?

  7. I just wrote to the Department of Justice to say:

    "As a citizen of the United States, knowing that our Attorney General is intended to represent and protect We the People, I am writing to say that Attorney General Barr has lost my trust by his misleading handling of the Mueller Report, in refusing to testify to the House Judiciary Committee, and by not turning over an unredacted copy of the report to key and bipartisan members of Congress. I feel strongly that it is time for Attorney General Barr to resign."

    If you wish to do the same, here's the link:
