Saturday, May 11, 2019



  1. Hoping for the best for Susan and family.

  2. Buttigieg Didn’t Get Trump Insult [Click] True or not, it is just a PERFECT rejoinder!

    Beto O’Rourke plans ‘reintroduction’ as 2020 buzz fizzles [Click] The old saw that you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression would seem to apply—and not just to Beto.

    Trump seems to be thinking that Biden is his biggest (maybe only) Democratic threat; it occurs to me that this may well be another indication of how out of touch Trump is with reality. Two old guys fighting a previous war on an old battlefield while decisive action takes place elsewhere. Or might it be a diversion while Trump and his myrmidons prepare elsewhere? The latter possibility would imply strategy—something Trump seems incapable of.

    Analysis: Can DT’s failed tactics in dealing with North Korea succeed with Iran? [Click] A rather dubious proposition. I am curious to see where that US carrier task group actually goes; the Persian Gulf is way too dangerous—cruising around the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean would be far safer— as well as an admission that they know they would be fish in a barrel in the Persian Gulf. Iran has been manufacturing its own cruise missiles for a long time now and the performance of the
    USS Vincennes [Click] does not inspire confidence. Neither does the recent rash of Pacific Fleet warship collisions.

    A thousand guns were found in an LA mansion. Then the mystery deepened [Click] “Police seized an arsenal from a posh estate, deemed a ‘hoarder’s paradise’. The occupant had ties to the wealthy Getty family.”

  3. The Vicar of Bray

    In good King Charles' golden days,
    when loyalty no harm meant,
    A zealous high churchman was I,
    and so I gained preferment.
    To teach my flock, I never missed
    Kings are by God appointed
    And damned be he who dare resist
    or touch the Lord's annointed.

    And this be law, I shall maintain
    Until my dying day, sir
    That whatsoever king may reign,
    Still I'll be the Vicar of Bray, sir.

    When royal James usurped the throne,
    and popery came in fashion,
    The penal laws I hooted down,
    and read the Declaration.
    The Church of Rome, I found, did fit
    Full well my constitution
    And I had been a Jesuit,
    but for the Revolution.


    When William was our King declared,
    to ease the nation's grievance,
    With this new wind about I steered,
    and swore to him allegiance.
    Old principles I did revoke
    Set conscience at a distance,
    Passive obedience was a joke,
    a jest was non-resistance.


    When Royal Anne became our queen,
    the Church of England's glory,
    Another face of things was seen,
    and I became a Tory.
    Occasional conformists base
    I blamed their moderation;
    And thought the Church in danger was
    from such prevarication.


    When George in pudding time came o'er, and moderate men looked big, sir
    My principles I changed once more,
    and I became a Whig, sir.
    And thus preferment I procured
    From our new Faith's Defender,
    And almost every day abjured
    the Pope and the Pretender.


    The illustrious house of Hanover
    and Protestant succession
    To these I do allegiance swear ---
    while they can hold possession.
    For in my faith and loyalty
    I never more will falter,
    And George my lawful king shall be ---
    until the times do alter.



    1. I posted The Vicar of Bray in response to this article showing Joe Biden’s ability to bend with the wind:

    2. The Vicar of Bray I do not recall, although the title seems familiar; right on target, and with certain other candidates besides Joe, it seems to me. Thanks, listener. Dandy article about Bernie's consistency; it moved me to check the Wikipedia article about the Liberty Union Party, and lo and behold: their 2016 presidential nominee [Gloria la Riva] was the very person for whom I voted! Not that I actually wanted to see her become President, but we don't get to vote against anyone, or even for "none of the above," and these days whomever or whatever is nominated by the Dems has a lock on California's electoral votes.

  4. The Industrialist was horrified to find the fisherman, lying beside his boat and smoking a pipe. "Why aren't you fishing?", asked the Industrialist. "Because I've caught enough fish for the day." "Why don't you catch some more?" "What would I do with them?" "Earn more money. Then you could have a motor fixed to your boat and go into deeper waters so you could catch more fish. That would bring you money to buy nylon nets, so more fish, more money. Soon you would have enough to buy two boats, even a fleet of boats, then you could be rich like me." "What would I do then?" "Then you could sit back and enjoy life." "What do you think I'm doing now?" from Timeless Simplicity by John Lane.

  5. Elizabeth Warren leads the Democratic 'ideas primary' [Click] “As candidates follow the senator in churning out progressive proposals, some activists warn the priority must be beating Trump.” But how is anyone going to beat Trump without standing for anything? Standing on tables, opportunism and me-tooism is not enough. Or in my opinion, ought not to be enough.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Spelling correction.

      The Life and Loves of Anne Lister [Click] A long read, a remarkable subject.

  7. Poll surge for Farage sparks panic among Tories and Labour [Click] “Support for the Conservatives at the European elections slumps to 11%, less than a third of what the Brexit party is polling.” Sounds like the Brits have lost their minds.
