Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak


  1. I Watched 20 Hours of Robert Mueller Testifying. Here’s What Congress Would Be In For. [Click] The dramatic effect of simply hearing his voice in public could be considerable.

    Rahm Emanuel: It’s Time to Hold American Elites Accountable for Their Abuses [Click] “If Democrats want to address simmering middle-class anger, they need to deliver justice.” I don’t care for Emanuel as a person; certain of his assumptions are in my opinion questionable, and this column becomes garbled in places. But I think it is nevertheless well worth consideration. The column in the sidebar, What the Press Is Missing About Pete Buttigieg [Click] seems considerably better.

    Here’s one for you, listener; maybe to pass along to your library associates. Elizabeth Acevedo’s Work Is a Welcome Rarity in Young-Adult Fiction [Click]

    Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, told CNN that his country won’t negotiate with President Trump unless the U.S. shows Tehran respect by honoring its commitments under the disputed nuclear deal.

    Chagos Islands: isolated UK and US face thrashing in UN vote on ownership [Click]

  2. Replies
    1. That business about hospitals is certainly news to me. A new owner recently purchased three hospitals, including the one I use, and abruptly closed one of the others on the grounds it was not economically viable.

    2. Have you noticed how so many hospitals cry poor but have money to build newer and bigger facilities? That's because they get a lot of their cash flow from amortization. Once the hospital buildings are paid for, that money stream dries up. Of course there are hospitals that for various reasons are not viable, or are mismanaged (or both). The depopulation of the countryside means the death of all sorts of institutions--hospitals, schools, churches etc. Young physicians are in debt up to their eyeballs, and there is not a lot of emphasis on economical use of resources--they are afraid of being criticized--even sued--for not doing enough tests or treatments, even when there is no clear reason for same.

  3. I found the redacted Mueller report on CNN's site. It's a lot of legalese and I'm slogging my way through it, but I'm determined to read all 448 pages.

    1. Go Susan!!! Please tell us if it's worth it. I slogged through some of The Dossier, and it was certainly interesting in places. But it's a pretty tough read.
