Thursday, November 02, 2017

Susan's Dollhouse

Note the kitty in the window! 😽


  1. Very fine!


  2. OK, I must give Donna Brazile credit for spilling the beans:

    Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC[Click]
    “When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign.”
    By Donna Brazile November 02, 2017

    And of more enduring value:

    Archaeologists discover mysterious void deep within Great Pyramid of Giza[Click]


    1. I came across the archaeology discovery, but didn't read about it. Thanks for the Guardian article, Alan.

    2. Wow! Doing photography with muons? Neat!

    3. Wow! Now that void raises all kinds of new questions. Why is it there? Is there any access to it? Right now it does seem as if the most likely explanation is to relieve the weight over the grand gallery.

  3. Here is the link to Donna Brazile’s book, available Nov. 7th[Click] From $18.30 hardback to FREE with Audible trial subscription.


    1. Nope. Not buying her book or Hillary's book. I'm waiting for the book from the attorney who sued the DNC. It comes out in December and I'm getting a copy for me and one for my library.

  4. Oh, really? Donna was so shocked she was moved to provide the debate questions to Hillary? Excuse me, my skepticism alarm is blaring.

    1. To my way of thinking, Brasil's smarminess is what makes the piece believable. If she was troubled, things must have been crooked indeed.

  5. CNN: Jared Kushner's team turned over documents to special counsel in Russia investigation[Click] “Their questions about Kushner signal that Mueller's investigators are reaching the President's inner circle and have extended beyond the 2016 campaign to actions taken at the White House by high-level officials.”

    Franken Blasts Sessions: Papadopoulos Docs Show ‘You Failed To Tell The Truth’[Click]


  6. Anonymous11/01/2017 09:29:00 PM

    Interestingly enough, I am just the sort of person the "New Democrats" decided to target: suburban, upper middle class, graduate degree--and I think they are a bunch of stinkers. Always have. Maybe it's because I remember where I came from; or maybe it's just that I'm cursed with good taste. [tongue in cheek emoji goes here]

    I agree completely, Alan. I may be an upper middle class college graduate, but the New Democrats always made me uncomfortable at best. Bunch of Republican wannabes. BC wasn't nearly as blatant as HRC. Or, rather, he was much easier to take because he has the common touch and a far more attractive personality. One felt that even if one didn't always agree with him, he was fundamentally trustworthy and had the good of the country at heart...perhaps erroneously, see NAFTA among a number of other things, but there it is. HRC started out abrasive and only became less attractive with time.

    BTW her takeover of the DNC as detailed in the article you linked to was more brazen than anything I'd thought even she was capable of. Maybe I'm a champagne socialist, but I want my party to be run honestly and for the benefit of the middle middle class and below, not to be held hostage by one arrogant,self-satisfied individual who expects the entire country to fall down and kiss the ground she walks upon.

  7. What a fascinating thread this is!!

    Got my flu shot today. I hesitated, as I really dislike putting poisons into my body, and they're only so-so effective. However, it being that if I do get flu and can't keep meds down I also get shingles, I bit the bullet.

    1. I started getting flu shots when they became free for hospital workers. I only missed one year, and that was the one year I got the flu. One time only I had the "flu-like symptoms" that are signs of a vigorous immune response, and the flu that year was an unusual strain. Weird--the chills and other flu-like symptoms are actually caused by immune complexes--soluble 1:1 virus-antibody complexes. Once there are enough antibodies to gang up on the antigens, the symptoms abate.

      As it happens, I am recovering from a very nasty cold. Should be completely recovered in a day or two, then off to Beale AFB Sunday morning. At court martial up to four days. Going by AMTRAK, train to Stockton and then bus to Marysville. Just a bit slower than driving and half the cost, besides safer and less stressful. Flying is totally impractical.

