Saturday, October 14, 2017

Each Leaf a Work of Art


  1. Well, this does beat all. 😣

    Desperate Puerto Ricans are getting their drinking water from a Hazardous Waste site.

  2. The US military doesn't have any portable water purification systems? Or they are all in SW Asia?


    1. My understanding is that if you boil even polluted water and re-condense the steam, the result is clean distilled water. The same is true of urine. Seems like a pretty small-scale solution to a massive problem though.

  3. Opinion from The Guardian:

    Trump's marriage to the religious right reeks of hypocrisy on both sides[Click] Religious right? Or religious wrong?

    Manafort Revises Statement Regarding Russian Oligarch

    October 14, 2017 at 9:16 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard40 Comments
    In response to a NBC News report that Paul Manafort had a $60 million relationship with a Russian oligarch, his spokesman released a statement which said, in part, “Mr. Manafort is not indebted to former clients today, nor was he at the time he began working for the Trump campaign.”

    He later revised the statement, removing that sentence entirely.

    Democrats Have a Good Shot at Winning the House[Click] (From Cook Political Report)


    1. The religious right is neither religious nor right. They are cultists who adhere to the Old Testament God of fire and brimstone, judgment and punishment. Every time they go into the Oval Office and "lay hands" on Cheetolini I expect their hands to burst into flame. They are the antithesis of Christian. They are simply people who are self-righteous bullies. Nothing at all Christian about any of them.

    2. THANK-YOU, Susan! Spot on!!!!


    From the article:

    "These are not conservative reforms, thought-through, possible to implement, strategically planned. They are the unhinged fantasies of a 71-year-old Fox News viewer imagining he can reconstruct the late 1950s. They cannot actually be implemented, without huge damage. And so he resorts to executive sabotage — creating loopholes in the enforcement of Obamacare to undermine the entire system. Or he throws a temper tantrum because Obama’s Iran Deal is actually working as promised, and attempting to undermine that as well. At this point, the agenda is so deranged and destructive almost every sane senior member of his cabinet is trying to rein it in."


    "The photos of these moments have a powerful resonance for many American Christians who are steeped in a fundamentalist form of the faith that is individualistic, populist and places a high value on outward forms of religiosity. Their faith practice is characterized by a fascination with emotional experience and with big, dramatic gestures and story lines. The extraordinary is often valued over the ordinary, novelty over tradition, speaking in tongues over creeds, prophecy over liturgy.

    And Trump, who spoke Friday at a gathering of religious conservatives in Washington, D.C., called the Values Voters Summit, has been eager to harness that emotional energy on his own behalf, especially at low points in his presidency."

    Low points, I might add, of his own making!

    1. Vale Donaldus, rex dei gratia et imperator insula phantasorum.


  6. Rescued by the Hogwarts Express! [Click] (A bothy is a small hut, as for hunters or fisherfolk. Scots; cf. English "booth.")

    The first scheduled commercial airline flight to St Helena landed safely. [Click]
    Includes a video of the first (experimental and rather exciting) landing by a jetliner last year.)


    1. I was just popping by to post about the Hogwarts Express story, Alan. Isn't it the sweetest thing in the news for some time?! Loved it! 🚂

  7. Replies
    1. Maybe fifteen years ago I considered joining the International Workers of the World, when they were debating an updated system of locals that would would accommodate people who do my kind of work--but they decided to stick with their old system, which was fine a century ago. I read the interview you linked to, Cat, and it seems to me those two fellows also don't comprehend the social changes that have taken place in the past century, notably the change in the makeup of the upper middle class from petite bourgeoisie to proletarians--albeit ones who have been convinced that they are NOT proletarians. But they work for wages, they don't own the companies. It appears to me that the fellows in the interview (or discussion) are deficient in proletarian class consciousness because they accept that the upper middle class is not proletarian--which is a very convenient assumption for the capitalists because it splits the working class and diminishes its power.

