50+ inches of Rain!
They had to invent new colours for the map!
My apologies that I seem to have missed a post for the 30th!!
(Until now.)
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Definitely not good when you are living on paved-over wetlands on a flood plain. The storm surge wasn't as bad as had been feared, thank goodness for small favors--so probably very few if any big storage tanks broke loose.
Chemical Plant hit by Harvey may well explode
Mueller Teams Up with New York Attorney General[Click] “Trump’s biggest source of leverage over Mueller just disappeared.” Anyone should be able to admire good work, no?
Trump will throw a tantrum on Twitter. Obviously, It's Pres. Obama's fault he can't pardon the convicted of state crimes.
DeleteOh, this is very good news. Thanks, Alan.
DeleteI was rather taken with it...I do believe the NY AG has considerable resources at his command, and many of the activities of interest transpired in New York. As for Trump's tantrums, what might we expect when he doesn't get money for his wall no matter what he and the GOP threaten (or even try)? MELTDOWN CITY!!!!
I am very appreciative of Mexico coming to the aid of Texas. It seems that the world is learning to turn a deaf ear to Trump and extend a hand to We the People of the USA. We can thank Angela Merkel for bringing that comprehension to the fore. 🇩🇪