With a hat tip to Alan for finding this! 🤓
MORE on Schrödinger's Immigrant:
Ref: Schrödinger's Cat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrödinger's_cat
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Oh, I didn't find it--it was forwarded to me by a correspondent (a former co-worker) in Montana.
ReplyDeleteSusan--here's something I posted the other day: We all have the power to resist Donald Trump – in big and small ways [Click] “Everyone can do something; each of us should do as much as we can. And no one should feel guilty for not doing something else – or something more. The important thing is to keep saying no to each new outrage, and not to become complacent or inattentive.”
I don't go to meetings or public demonstrations (except that time Bernie came to town and I had the day off) or knocking on doors; it simply isn't practical. But I can write postcards, send e-mails and chat with acquaintances. Had a nice talk with a cabin attendant on the flight to Los Angeles a week or so back. (I was seated next to her jump seat.) The subject of racism and the new administration came up, and I told how just hearing the words "Philadelphia, Mississippi" still gives me the willies. As I had noticed before, I actually have great difficulty even saying the words "Philadelphia, Mississippi." I have to physically and mentally work up to it and kind of blurt them out. Isn't that something?
And I can kick in very modest amounts of money for favored causes (Food Bank, Brand New Congress, Wikipedia, and once more the ACLU--and of course Bernie during his campaign). Thanks for the heads-up on the postcards to the White House project--I hadn't stopped to think about the significance of the date until you mentioned it again. My sweetie mailed a package today and picked up ten postcards for me. I have been mulling over what to say and how to say it. No blatant insults or any kind of threat, of course. Inviting him to relocate to Baku because they have a Trump Hotel and no extradition treaty with the US (I need to check on the latter) is expected to figure on one postcard.
Title of a discussion thread I noticed on a blog: "What is Pence's Play Now That T's Departure is Assured?" I think he ought to be [secretly] studying up right hard on what Gerald Ford did.
Bill--I remember thinking at the time that the Watergate burglary was simply something expectable in political circles. The full extent of things didn't come out until later. I still think Nixon was a very intelligent man, although he had an awful nasty streak in him.
Nixon thought :"dirty tricks" was the political norm. It wasn't so much that he was nasty as that he was convinced he lived in a nasty world.
DeleteI did go to the Miami Valley Progressive Caucus (hereafter referred to simply as MVPC) meeting last night. It's a newish group and they're still feeling their way. I left early but made sure to tell them about #theidesoftrump and the postcards before I left. Also I informed the clerk at the post office I go to most often and she was glad to know about it. She also told me, and I later confirmed on searches, that you are not required to put your return address on the postcard. So, I will not be putting my return address on and I will say any damn thing I please to Cheetolini. I got 20 postcards and I think I'll keep on getting them because the viciousness of the GOP-ruled Congress toward the 99% is really getting on my last nerve!
ReplyDeleteOh, and the MVPC's logo is the Birdie Sanders. Although there is still a majority who want to overtake the Dem party with Progressives rather than starting a new party. There was a Chairman from the party of the neighboring county to my right and he was so jumpy and jittery I suspected meth use. And from listening to him there's no way power will be ceded without a battle. Everybody's too scared to strike out in a new direction. I wish that weren't true.
Off to Capricon in a few minuted. Back Sunday evening.
ReplyDelete'He Will Die in Jail': [Click] Intelligence Community Ready to 'Go Nuclear' on Trump, Senior Source Says. A former NSA analyst on Trump's ill-conceived antagonism against the intelligence community.
Since Trump Won't Divest, NY AG Can Revoke His Business Charter [Click]
Stop Congress from Killing Retirement Savings for Low-Moderate Income Workers [Click] This story only refers to California, but I understand there are programs in about ten states that would be stifled.
[Obviously Demented Trump Holds a Press Conference [Click]
Trump's mental health debate [Click] "It is a stigmatising insult to the mentally ill (who are mostly well behaved and well meaning) to be lumped with Mr Trump (who is neither).”
P.S.: Put me down as a Pollyanna if you will, Susan, but I think the Trump Train will destroy itself and take much of the Republican Party with it. His "well-tuned machine" looks to have been tuned by the Three Stooges. Actually, that probably isn't fair to Moe, Curley and Larry; mea culpa maxima.
Just before going to bed last night, I popped off my temporary crown, by mindlessly flossing where I am not supposed to. Argh. So I slept 2 hours and no more. Today was my first time ever taking care of VT*Grandson and VT*LIttlest*Granddaughter all day (9-5), with Mama out of state at the funeral of her 33 yr old friend (breast cancer recurrence...2 yr old son). Mind you, my dentist has two offices: one near my house one near theirs. So of course they said they could only see me MID-DAY near MY house. While 10" of snow was falling!!! Sigh. [And the plow guy neglected to plow in front of our garage, so I had to call and ask him to come back so I could get out at all.] Anyway, I opted for an appointment at 8:30am tomorrow instead. My tooth is super cold and hot sensitive; I can barely eat and feel yuk. On top of being utterly exhausted all day, the driving was horrendous both ways, taking over an hour instead of 40 minutes. But I made it. I am utterly SPENT.
ReplyDeleteYoungest was sure he'd need to come home at lunchtime to get Littlest to sleep, especially as Grandson tends to get bored while one is getting her to sleep and keeps coming up to the room keeping her entertained and awake. But it took me all of 12 minutes to do the deed. Littlest is completely comfortable with me (does a little dance when they tell her I'm coming!!), and she is a snuggle bug. But the real secret to my success was that I set Grandson up with a pre-approved video and homemade Grammie cupcake just before taking Littlest upstairs. Ha!
Tomorrow WILL be better!!! I came home to a much belated homemade Christmas gift from my best friend (she had misplaced it and finally found it! Ha!). They are hand-knit, fine-gauge super soft wool socks in a complex Celtic design and in beautiful marled green! Her gift made an otherwise grueling day (physically speaking) sweet and comfy at the last. I am deeply grateful! And my feet are so pretty!!!! ✨💛💖💚💖💛✨ Ahhhhhhhhh.
Oh, yes--without the temporary crown the tooth is guaranteed to be very sensitive. Popping it back on will hardly take any time. I once went free diving (for abalone) with a temporary crown; there must have been a bubble under it, which caused no problem going down, but when I started up--YIKES! I tried to stay down for a while longer and go up slowly--but the only thing for it was to just go up no matter how bad it hurt. No snow or suchlike hereabouts, but we are supposed to get some rain starting around 3AM. Further south, in the Bakersfield and Los Angeles areas they are predicting the heaviest rain in ten or twenty years.
Traveling mercies, Bill. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteHere is an article from Anthony Cintron: "Mr. President, just who in the hell do you think you are?
From the article:
"I know, too, that you’re accustomed to being emperor of your own fiefdom. Must be nice. Your name on the wall, the paychecks, the side of the building. You tell people to make something happen, and it does. You yell at a problem, and it goes away. Nobody talks back. I can see how it would be hard to give that up.
But you did. You see, you’re no longer an emperor, Mr. So-Called President. You’re now what is called a “public servant” — in effect, an employee with 324 million bosses. And let me tell you something about those bosses. They’re unruly and loud, long accustomed to speaking their minds without fear or fetter. And they believe power must always answer to the people. That’s at the core of their identity.
Yet you and your coterie of cartoon autocrats think you’re going to cow them into silence and compliance by ordering them to shut up and obey? Well, as a freeborn American, I can answer that in two syllables flat.
Hell no."