Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Stone Garden


  1. Thanks for the explanation of a popover, Alan! I'm not a big muffin or rolls fan, but that looks light and fluffy.

  2. BTW, Alan, I still enjoy hearing about the growing season over your way, what's in blossom, what's being harvested, what you see as you travel around the countryside. Thank-you!

    100F is way too hot!
    I'm concerned about your forest fires.

    Do take care.

  3. The popovers looked like perfect tiny dutch babies to me! And I love dutch babies!

  4. The trick to popovers is to not have them fall; it was never a problem for me with a gas oven, which has a constant blast of hot air, but with our electric oven no luck. I must make a point of getting an oven thermometer to check the oven thermostat. I use popover pans, which are cast iron; heat them on the stove, pour in the batter, and then straight into the oven. But if others are pulling it off with an electric oven, there must be some adaptation I missed. This weekend! The consistency is not like a roll or dutch baby--a little crunchy on the outside.

    My pleasure to send out the ag report, listener. In the newspaper they said the ozone levels during July were the lowest in twenty years! When I was in San Diego this time there were street trees in bloom with leaves that looked something like locust, and yellow flowers that didn't look at all like locust. I didn't think to ask anyone what they were. At other times there are purple-flowered street trees there--jacaranda, as memory serves me.

