Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas! (1)


  1. Best wishes to all, and to all a good day! And many thanks to Vermonters for sharing Howard with us.

    It's still not quite Christmas here, but we're reasonably ready. I look forward to a day off with Miyoko and Naomi. I was late getting home on account of the minions of the law giving us a bunch of work:

    Bay Area begins holiday crackdown on drunk driving

    I have memorized The Internationale well enough to sing it with only occasional hesitation when distracted by something like driving... Maybe The Red Flag next; that's rather festive!


    1. Harrumph, Alan. Cracking down is all well and good, except when it interferes with your Christmas Eve.

  2. Merry Christmas!

    Here are links to my photos of:



  3. A warm, sunny morning here; the festive bird is in the oven, the balance of the dressing is ready to pop into the oven when the bird comes out and bake while the gravy and mashed potatoes are prepared. Everyone at home. Nice.


  4. In a way I got a chuckle out of Alan's post. Penny's working today, of course (because it's a holiday for the regular staff). And I've already had an on-line text-chat with my client. Useful discussion of how we're going to approach the grant application we're working on. May do some writing on it later. But first I need to catch up on my charitable and political contributions. My goal is to make a few contributions every month so I don't have to worry about it at the end of the year, but almost inevitably I fall behind.

  5. I found versions of The Red Flag on YouTube that are to my taste for memorization, sung both to the tune of Lauriger Horatius (O Tannenbaum) and to that of The White Cockade. The former is the better known and the one used by the UK Labor Party; the latter is the one intended by the author (Jim Connel), and although a little more difficult to learn, it's a cracking good choice. Now on CD, ready to practice on my way to and from work.


    1. I also stumbled across a painting, Raising the Banner [Click] by Geli Korzhev. Although Socialist Realism isn't everyone's cup of tea, this painting is quite powerful; I find myself looking over every one part of it after another--which I suppose means good composition.


    2. Merry Christmas, everybody!

    3. And the same to you and yours, Cat.

  6. Here's something I never thought of:

    By Osman Koroma

    If Rudolph was a blind reindeer, born with a red shiny nose Would all the others laugh at him when he bumped into cute little does?
    If Rudolph was a blind reindeer, left out of lame reindeer games He’d whip out his Braille playing cards because Black Jack’s his middle name.
    And there would have been no problem on a foggy Christmas Eve Vision would not be required; he’d rely on his trusty memory.
    This Rudolph would lead with his heart not his sight.
    His nose just a warning to others in flight.
    And that old Christmas tale we would never hear… SO I guess we should be happy that Rudolph wasn’t a blind reindeer.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Alan. Even in photographs that ceiling is uplifting.

    2. Bless bless bless whomsoever decided to use the removable paint! How lovely the original!!

  8. Glad you all liked it; I certainly did.

    I just finished watching Going in Style (1979) with George Burns, Art Carney and Lee Strasberg. [Click] Every bit as enjoyable as I remembered from when it was first run; damned shame it doesn't seem to be available for rental via Netflix. (I purchased a copy from a closed Blockbuster store via eBay.)

