Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Yarrr! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day!


  1. Commodore Dean be First here, ye land lubbers!

    Arrr! Sorry me mateys to take so everlastin' long gettin' t'day's new thread posted. Me t'ot it were alreddy in place!

  2. All is well with puddle, just took a physical/emotional day off. Also got four inches of rain, a small flood, and really crummy phone lines all day.

    Thanks for all the wonderful wishes: does my heart good!

  3. It does our hearts good to see your post today!! ♥

  4. So, the guy who made the Pirate Ship out front is Sweetie's brother Larry who has late stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Today is his 63rd birthday and he is spending it in the hospital, since he got another infection this week. Hoping his day ends better than it began. Prayers and Vibes cherished.

  5. To err is human, to arr is pirate.

  6. Susan, still think you missed a great life's work as a stand up comic, lol!

  7. Replies
    1. Yes. He's about as oblivious as you can be and still manage not to walk into trees and lampposts. My brother tells me he was also head of the Boy Scouts during the time they were concealing the rapes of little boys, not only from the authorities but from the parents as well.

    2. They do it to themselves; they always sow the seeds of their own destruction.

  8. Gotta read that cell phone survey article; but will put in my other two cents' worth first.

    Good vibes for Larry, listener.

    To judge from the reportage at and this evening, it looks like Obama has electoral coattails, and Romney has electoral cooties. I found this link to an LBJ vs. Goldwater TV ad that I think I saw, but had not thought of for decades:

    Eastern Seaboard commercial


  9. That analysis of the polls sounds about right to me.

