Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One week 'til Hallowe'en! Are you ready?


  1. Howie's still foistiest, and we have a grand fall day going on here.

    Trip to town in a bit.

  2. Got the town stuff done. Including some prednisone for Stevie, and topping off the propane (maybe). At least raising the level for winter. Also topped off on the groceries, for a bit. And such a pretty day.

  3. I did a lot this morning which wore me out. I was already wwaaay short on sleep, so I ended up napping most of the day. So tired I felt drugged.

    Suppose I'll be wide-eyed and bushy-tailed all night now. *DONT_KNOW*

  4. Story of my life, Susan. Luckily I live with animals only, who have no expectations. . . . They adapt fairly well.

  5. It has never seemed to me that it matters when you get your sleep as long as you get it.

    Busy work day today. Editing a sort of draft patent application for submission to the lawyers. Who will undoubtedly rewrite it completely.

  6. Nice to think of you getting stocked up, puddle. Glad you're back.

    Susan, if you end up awake tonight do something you love, like reading or knitting or just sitting. I find it helps to have something warm like soup or decaf tea. I avoid stimulants at night like caffeine and television. Maybe a warm tub bath?

    We may not hibernate when cold weather comes, but we often feel like going dormant! 8-)

  7. So it was a busy day at the book mine, but I survived. I love my job but sometimes wish I could trade in my coworker when she's in a prickly mood. I have noticed, though, that the less I say the sooner she gets through it. And she does try to be nice again when she sees what she's doing.

  8. I think my Hallowe'en fun is going to happen this Friday evening when VT*Granddaughter comes for the evening! I plan to do a lot of fun things with her and celebrate. There's nothing like a 4 year old!

  9. Except a two year old, or a three year old, or a five year old. . . .

  10. Saturday Chance of Snow

  11. Yeah, we're seeing the "S" word in the forecast for....tomorrow!

    I'm thinking it'll be just overnight and mostly south of us. But, we'll see.
    Might get a pretty dusting.
