Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Anybody Home?


  1. Howard is first.

    If anyone's interested, I've uploaded "Should I Lie?"


    The link takes you to the lyric. Click the link at the bottom of the page for the music file. It's not an audio file format, so the instrumentation you hear will depend on your computer's hardware and settings.

  2. Listener, I'm so sorry about your friends who lost their home in the fire. I'll keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Notes left at the end of the last thread.

    Stay snug tonight, peeps! ♥

  4. listnener and Bill--
    Good heavens--your winter weather stories certainly put our conditions into perspective. 49 degrees F at the moment (11:20 PM), and nothing below 40 degrees predicted for the week. Gray and cold today, but it wasn't until about an hour after breakfast that we realized we hadn't turned on the heater in the living room end of the house.

    Mars Rover: Creaking, arthritic... but still rolling
    Jonathan Amos | 17:27 UK time, Thursday, 30 December 2010


    Merciful Heavens! Seven years?!

  5. listener, ♥ to your neighbors. That has *got* to be a shock of major portions. No serious weather here despite all the threats.

    I was having *such* problems with firefox last night/this morning, I thought I'd go mad. It just kept stalling. After a while I noticed that it kept coming back to my facebook page with the notice that a script wouldn't resolve itself. So today, I never set up facebook, and bingo: firefox managed to run like a dream all day. Guess I'm going to have to leave facebook as a bookmark, and only look at it once in a while, and then kill the tab. Too bad they're so focused on making new stuff that they can't get right what they're already doing.

  6. Lord, has it been that long? And they expected them to last a matter of weeks. That's good ol' American know-how for you, the best in the solar system.

  7. YouTube is my copy of Fire Fox's Waterloo, which is extremely annoying since I use YouTube so much.

  8. I'm so psyched! Two people on the MusicTalk list have said they like the song. One girl is insisting that I add a vocal. I've just written back explaining that, apart from aesthetic considerations, I simply don't have the software. But they're a smart, resourceful bunch. It wouldn't surprise me if someone came up with a solution to that problem. Then I'll have no choice. I'm hoping nobody's sufficiently interested. 8)

  9. Lesson for the day: if you will walk down to the river in the snow in your slippers, your slippers *will* get wet. And if the snow is *rained on* snow, your slippers will get very wet.

  10. Make that three favorable responses. I'll have to upload some more stuff now...

  11. First, a little good news:

    Lieberman will not seek a 5th term in office

  12. What a day. Just as I was leaving for the Library word came that a high school student had committed suicide by handgun at the high school (at the end of our road) as the school day began. He was found in a bathroom by staffers. Today was midterms...and they decided to keep school open for exams, and merely canceled the after school programs. It's hard to imagine that students could concentrate once word got out. Between this and last night's fire, the community is feeling devastated.

  13. And if it's cold enough you will get hypothermia.

    I like the thought of you back at the house, warm and dry and blogging!

  14. Very tough day dear. Some times there's hardly a thing one can say. I know that losing a classmate (gun *accident*) in seventh grade changed my life and the whole way I looked at the Universe. Struggled with it for years, and still see it as seminal.

  15. It is indeed good news. I guess he must have decided that he's done just about all the harm he can do. The jerk.

  16. Very tough day indeed. A lot of sorrowing hearts tonight.

  17. Thank Heaven for small mercies.

  18. Back on politics, they said on the news that Kent Conrad will not seek reelection. I suppose that means his seat will go to a Republican. *sigh*

  19. Thanks, Cat. It helps. :-)

  20. On the plus side of this day, and it's significant, Main*Squeeze got some real work in.
    We are solvent now through early May! =Whew!=
