"Look how American I am!", continued
Hillary Clinton: "Who do Americans want to have a beer with? Look--I've got photographic evidence right here!"
"What's that? Do shots with you?"
I can totally imagine her TerminatorVision activating at this point, rapidly displaying the probabilities of various outcomes depending on whether she says yes or no. After all of her efforts to convince the regular folks that Barack Obama is the one who is elitist while she "gets" small-town America (having been raised on "pinochle and the American dream"), can she afford to say no?
"Well...(shrug). Down the hatch!"
From ABC's Political Radar:
Clinton stood by the bar and took a shot of Crown Royal whiskey. She took one sip of the shot, then another small sip, then a few seconds later threw her head back and finished off the whole thing.

(Pictures via Huffington Post)
When I saw these pictures of Hillary Clinton last night, my first response was to be disgusted at the pandering. But then I was intrigued. Maybe this situation offers us some lemons with which we can make lemonade.
Fact: Hillary is determined to stay in this thing.
Fact: We can't get her to stop doing John McCain's work for him
Those are some rather disheartening facts. But we should at least be able to get some entertainment out of this. There could be any number of, shall we say, "less than dignified" things Hillary could be persuaded to do on camera to bolster her "real American" cred.
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