"Against Nature?" museum display in Oslo
Found out about this via Firedoglake:
Gay animals out of the closet?
First-ever museum display shows 51 species exhibiting homosexuality
A first-ever museum display, "Against Nature?," which opened last month at the University of Oslo's Natural History Museum in Norway, presents 51 species of animals exhibiting homosexuality.It's an interesting article, although it's still a sad commentary that people feel too ootsy about the whole thing to teach or publish the information. And the article referenced, from Live Science, is, I don't know, kind of campy. There's something weird about having to rate each animal picture before moving on to see the next one.
Almost a quarter of black swan families are parented by homosexual couples. Male couples sometimes mate with a female just to have a baby. Once she lays the egg, they chase her away, hatch the egg, and raise a family on their own.
"Homosexuality" and "heterosexuality" are terms defined by societal boundaries, invisible in the animal kingdom.
Like most complex issues, animal homosexuality is challenging and poorly understood. Therefore, educators tend to shy away from covering it in their teaching. Many scientists don't even want to be associated with this type of research.
"I've had primatologists offer to give me their data on homosexual behavior because they didn't want to publish it," Wolfe said.
"Against Nature?" was set up partly to demystify the concept.
And I'll never be able to look at the "smile" on a dolphin the same way again. (If you want to know why, go read the caption. It's one of those "intended for mature audiences" things that I don't feel quite right posting on the front page.

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