Sunday, December 03, 2006

repost Meeting with Howard Dean 11/04

Thought you might enjoy reflecting on an old report I wrote up 2 years ago. He had a plan --- and his insight on what he had to do is amazing.

Looking out the wall of windows from the 22nd floor over the streets of Chicago, I knew this was no regular meeting. The highly glossed walnut table was surrounded by 14 upholstered swivel chairs. This was not just anybody's city office, it was the office of Wilhelm and Conlin Strategies. I found out after the meeting that Wilhelm was the former DNC chair under Clinton. Some how I, a woman from the Illinois prairie had amazingly been included in this group of high profile city people.

The building was so large there were separate sets of elevators designated to specific floors. I arrived early and found a fellow blogger sitting in the waiting area. We exchanged names and compared notes on how we were involved with DFA. Bruce eyes widened and sat up straight. I turned and there entered Howard. " Governor Dean", Bruce announced as he stood up and walked over to shake his hand. I immediately followed him. "I am Holly from Rockford IL. Thank you for meeting with us." Dean smiled looked straight into my eyes as he shook my hand. "It’s nice to meet you." The secretary interrupted us to lead him off, to meet with Wilhelm.

Because Dean was in a meeting, our group of 14 had a chance to talk first. There were several people you know from the blog including Toscha and Franster. Of course our first topic was Dean and the DNC chair position. We have all heard positive input about this but were also aware of how long time Dean supporters still preferred that he run for President.

The glass door opened and in entered Gov. Dean followed closely by Tom McMahon. The admiring group stood up and clapped spontaneously. "Sorry for the delay, but I was just getting some advice from the former DNC chairman." Dean smiled broadly and sat down at the end of the table. I was sitting 3 chairs down on his left and Tom M was to his direct left but not at the table.

Dean broached the topic first so someone was brave enough to ask him what he was thinking regarding the DNC chairmanship. "I am seriously considering it because I don't know that the DNC will reform without me. But if I decide to do it, it won’t be as much fun as what I am doing now. I don't feel I have to agree with everything such as giving corporate tax breaks. I am aware that there are some Democrats that will be nervous thinking of me in this position but I want to emphasize that what ever I do I want what is best for the Democratic Party. I would NEVER do anything to hurt the party. If I run for DNC chair and lose it could be the end of the Democratic Party as it now is. I could tear the party apart. I fear that this could cause the progressives to give up on the party. If I lose, the DFA could be harmed too. That is why I am taking my time to make the right decision."

Someone asked if he took the position would it stop him from running for president. He looked up seriously and said, if I don’t become chairman, there may be no Democratic Party for me to ever run in. I had come armed with this question (thanks to my son who had the foresight to think of it). I knew this was my opportunity so I leaned into the table looking Dean straight on. "If you become DNC chairman, can"t you just 'pull a Cheney and say 'I looked everywhere and I have found the best candidate for President and it is ME?"

Howard eyes twinkled with the thought, grinned with the corners of his mouth and broke out into a full smile. "Well I certainly wouldn’t say anything like that!"

Eric asked, "Gov Dean, how can we help you?" The group decided it is a little too early to do anything and that it was best to see how events unfolded. Then Eric stated, "Did you know Mayor Daley doesn’t want you to run? Howard pulled his chin back into his neck and looked out from the top of his eyes. Mayor Daley had supported him in the past and you could tell Dean was wondering why Daley would feel this way. It was relayed that Mayor Daley didn"t want Dean to be pushed around by anyone. Relieved that this was the reason, Howard and the group laughed thinking of how Dean’s personality is one far from being a push-over.

Eric brought us back to the reason for meeting. He asked about what type of group DFI should be, a PAC vs 527 etc. Dean and McMahon stated that states vary and that we needed to get legal advice. He gave examples of other DFA state chapters including DFA Colorado and DFA Georgia that already have moved in this direction.

Eric emphasized how Illinois was the bluest of the blue states and someone proudly reported that his precinct had voted 96% Democratic. Dean threw his head back laughing at his own joke stating, "Hey this is Chicago, it should be 106% Democratic.”

Gov. Dean went into how our goals include getting people into office for the next cycle (April 04) and how we can put our picks on the blog. DFA can help these people and that it will take less money and that the candidates will need less votes. It was important to bring together candidates with the grass roots. Building a party is best achieved by supporting candidates at the lowest levels working up and when some are successful encouraging those with experience to help the new ones coming up. He told us that it is important to get Deancorps going and that we need to get good Democrats out into our community, and in our churches, working to make where each of us live a better place. "That is how we make red states blue, person to person; from the bottom up not from the top down." He encouraged us to work with the party and to be there to replace the older folks when they leave, filling the spots with more active new ones.

One woman could not hold back any longer, "Gov. Dean, you are the one who inspires us. We need to see you more. We need you words of encouragement." Combining her request with the need to get moving on the April elections someone asked if it would be possible for Dean to make a DVD to use at meetups.

"I think that is great, I will do it." Howard turned the upper half of his body as one unit to look at McMahon, "Do you think we can do it in time for the Dec. meetup?"

The secretary entered the room stated that Pat Quinn was here and it was time to meet with him. We thanked Gov. Dean as he left the room. Tom stayed to talk about DFA and the importance of the grass roots, framing the debate (using Lakoff), capturing the energy of our national community, holding the people we support "feet to the fire") continuing to use our dedicated email supporters and developing a snail mail to reach out to others.

In the middle of our discussion, Dean burst open the door and led Pat Quinn in. "I want you to meet these great people. They will help you fight for the citizens. You really need to work together." Dean was like a child, excited to introduce two beloved friends, in hopes he could build a new relationship.

We thanked Gov. Dean once again as he exited the door.

Well Gov. Dean never did come through with the promised DVD but he sure did come though with strengthening the "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party.

Thank you Howard Dean!

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