Hell really DOES freeze over
This made me smile, so I wanted to share it. No other reason. This post is not meant to be deep, or ponder the big questions about the nature and existence of an afterlife that may or may not exist. I just thought it was funny, and, frankly, I think we need more laughter these days. I saw a post on the Flying Spaghetti Monster web site entitled "On going to hell"
I am becoming increasingly confused when I keep reading the comments many people leave on your website saying that we are all going to go to Hell. While their offers are quite generous, I’m a bit hazy on the details. Will they be supplying us with airfare and accommodations? Will a rental car be provided, or will we be left to our own devices once we arrive? And most importantly, in my mind, is the issue of adequate clothing to protect us from the often bitter cold.The post included a link to this Wikipedia page about Hell, Norway

Hell is a small village in Stjørdal, Norway with a population of 352. It has become a minor tourist attraction because of its name: people like to take the train there to get photographed in front of the station sign. What was possibly Norway's most popular postcard, at least among English-speaking tourists, showed the station with a heavy frost on the ground—Hell frozen over in fact, though there was no caption to make the point.Click here for the rest. My favorite line: Temperatures in Hell can reach -20°C during winter.
At least it's safer to discuss in polite company than that town in Austria. ;)
Crossposted at Daily Kos.
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