More birthday celebration
The Kos diary wishing Howard Dean a happy birthday has gotten kind of long, and it's not on the recommended list any more. So I wanted to highlight this comment so that people will see it and have a better sense of what was extraordinary about Howard Dean's campaign and its legacy...
I sometimes think that perhaps you have no idear how much you have changed people's lives, or how many people's lives you have changed, and to what degree.
So I thank you for my life, and I thank you for Edwin's life, and I thank you for our life together (had you not run, had you not had a blog, had you shut down your blog like the rest did, we would never have even met).
I'm sorry he didn't live to see the results of this election, which he and I both believed was engineered by you, but I know he was a true believer. This is the story of the day he met you

Click here for puddleriver's story.
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