"Big Butter Jesus"
Right Angle Blog's response to Buckeye State Blog posting a link to "Big Butter Jesus":
Check out the stupid and offensive youtube video he posted here.I listened to the whole song. It doesn't make fun of all Christians, but it does call out hypocrites. Sort of like that one guy did. Dang, why can't I think of his name? Wore sandals, hung out with a bunch of fishermen....
I love how socially acceptable it is to make fun of Christians. I guess its easy, because unlike some Muslims, Christians won't have violent riots and chop Russell's head off.

Yeah, that's the guy.
Here are some of the lyrics from toward the end of the song...
Don't make no graven imagesMaking fun of this statue is not making fun of Christians.
That's one of the Ten Commandments
I hope the grading curve is kindly
You get to heaven with a 90
Now, with regard to the comments about Muslims, Christians, and violence, I'll defer to Katharine Jefferts Schori. From her recent interview, published in the New York Times Magazine:
Have you met Pope Benedict?And one other thing--you're not likely to see six *Christian* religious leaders kicked off an airplane for *praying*.
I have not. I think it would be really interesting.
He became embroiled in controversy this fall after suggesting that Muslims have a history of violence.
So do Christians! They have a terrible history. Look at history in the Dark Ages. Charlemagne converted whole tribes by the sword. I think Muslims are poorly understood by the West, and it is easy to latch onto that which we do not understand and demonize it.
I'm aware that right-leaning "Christians" have a lot invested in this "most persecuted religion" competition. But, sorry guys--it's not even close.
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