Republican Joe Lieberman takes another poke at Howard Dean
puddle has some new posts up at pyzch, and I've posted some transcripts form recent church/state events in Columbus here (including words from Barry Lynn, head of Americans United for Separation of Church and State).
Click here to see a the latest Ned Lamont ad (Quicktime format) which uses a black and white Psycho inspired motif to note how Bush and Lieberman both prefer to rely on scare tactics as a campaign strategy. I found out about the ad in a post at Firedoglake entitled Lieberman Throws Howard Dean Under the Bus. (There's a YouTube version of the ad there as well.)

So how does Joe Lieberman respond to Ned Lamont's new ad? By mocking Howard Dean, of course. From his blog:Wow, Joe, that was sooo clever. Which right wing pundit do you find to be the best source for the right wing talking points you are so fond of using?
If you have not had a chance to check out Ned’s new ad, please do (Quicktime). It’s a scream.
Howard Dean would be proud.
Update: It occurred to me that I should check the link provided in the post at Firedoglake, and I discovered that the lame "scream" comment came not from Senator Droopy Dawg himself, but from Eric Blankenbaker, who is a blogger at "Blog of Joe". Which *is* Lieberman's official campaign blog, so it reflects on him and his campaign regardless.
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