Crackers, cake, and candidates
by listener
What a great night at the Community Center in Jericho! Vermont Gubernatorial candidate Scudder Parker came and was enthusiastically received!! I feel greatly encouraged in these final weeks, as the response tonight was electric! Scudder's wife, Susan, gave me some Scudder stickers to pass out to folks at the start of the event. One couple just arriving said they wouldn't know if they'd want to wear the stickers until after they'd heard Scudder speak. Later they approached me to get stickers, very outspoken and supportive! Bodes well. I also noticed that all the road signs for Scudder were gone by the end of the night. Peter Welch (running for Congress) waxed eloquent as always; he is a very inspiring, wise and gentle person. Matt Dunne (running for Lt. Gov) was very compelling. His Republican opponent won't even show up for the debates, and for that matter shows up for work only about a third of the time. We were sorry that Bernie Sanders couldn't come after all, but was in Bennington (the southern part of the state). But it was wonderful for all of us in Jericho to hear each person speak so glowingly about our Rep. Gaye Symington, who is, of course, Vermont's wonderful House Speaker. It is thanks to Democratic leadership in this state that we got anywhere with healthcare, environment and other important issues this past legislative season. It is not thanks to the present (Republican) Governor. I was particularly gratified that Scudder turned to Gaye and told her that as Governor his door will always be open to her. The one campaign sign outside Gaye Symington's house this last month has been a sign for Scudder. Imagine what could happen if they could have the opportunity to work together? I believe Jericho will go strongly for Scudder, and I know there were people present tonight from other surrounding towns as well.

We had a harpist (Evergreen...a friend of mine) but you couldn't hear her over the crowd. Evergreen took harp lessons alongside my daughter many years ago

Packed Place! That's Scudder in the middle with the blue shirt, red tie and dark blue jacket.
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