Monday, September 18, 2006

In celebration of Edwin, and the Dean-people spirit

Thank you to Jessica and jc and any others who have been tracking down posts by Edwin, who posted as "The OC" once upon a time at Blog for America.

...I come back to this community again and again and draw strength from the wisdom and compassion i see constantly expressed here. I post my curmudgeonly posts in my attempt to make a contribution to this community, but mostly I am weeping as I post them. I am weeping now.

I do believe the continuing conversation on this blog makes an enormous difference. Something happens as we begin to understand first each other, and then the political world we've been thrown into a little better.

We came here because we united behind a candidate who exhorted we the people to "take our country back". When the initial goal of that candidate was not achieved many thought we would fade into the woodwork - well, we haven't faded, we are still here, still fighting, and most important still FEELING.

We the people must trust our own individual consciences to know what is right, and "We The People " will prevail.

Posted by: The O. C. at May 21, 2004 02:35 AM
I support Howard Dean for President primarily because I TRUST that as an intelligent person trained as a physician he will - (quoting from Susan Jacoby's NYTimes op-ed piece in which she quotes Abraham Lincoln) - " the plain, physical facts of the case, ascertain what is possible, and learn what appears to be wise and right."

Some years ago Bobby Kennedy was criticized from the right and the left as being DIVISIVE, an Opportunist, having no ENTITLEMENT to be president, he responded by campaigning across the country learning from the divided and warring nation he observed, and pounding the simple theme, "As Americans we can do better than this!"

I think this is a similiar time and Howard Dean is a similiar candidate.
We are living in a nation sickened by deceit, favors for special interests, the MENDACITY of both those in power and the candidates seeking to replace them.
It seems to me the Doctor should stick to this simple theme,"The nation is sick, we need to find the cure because, we the people can do better than this."

Posted by: Edwin in NYC at January 8, 2004 12:16 PM
Also, thank you to Jo in Vermont for pointing out that BFA has put up a tribute thread for Edwin.

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