A note from Charlie
The High Springs Herald has an update on the goings on in Alachua - and the refusal to provide access to public records in the investigation of the election.
With county official now involved, situation heats up in city of Alachua
By Ronald Dupont Jr.
Herald EditorPhoto By Ronald Dupont Jr.
County Commissioner Mike Byerly (left) speaks with Charles Grapski after the two showed up at Alachua City Hall for an appointment Grapski said he had with Alachua Deptuy City Clerk Alan Henderson. But Henderson wasn't there.
Photo By Ronald Dupont Jr.
As the Alachua City Commission meeting starts Monday, Charles Grapski (standing, right) asks for items to be taken off what is called the "consent agenda." He is told he is out of order, and the commission unanimously approves the agenda.
There is also an editorial on this there too: Stop the games; show Grapski the documents
You can also check the Free Alachua blog for updates on situation. The most recent post is Records Continue to be Denied; Business Done Outside the Sunshine.
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