Memorial Day Weekend Roundup
I'm meeeeelting!
Seriously, we've got to get an air conditioner in here soon. I'm going to sign off for the night, but we've had so many great threads--and heard from people who haven't had time to post for a while--that I don't want to let them scroll off the page. So I'm going to use this post as a weekend wrap-up with links to those posts.
Saturday Comics by Oscar in Louisville
Zack Space on the Rachel Maddow Show (Transcript) by Renee in Ohio
Fred Rogers testifying in Senate hearings, 1969 by Renee in Ohio
Messianic Musings by Oscar in Louisville
Coffee Drinkers, Wake Up! by Catreona
"Rich man's" media and "death by ridicule" in the press....still going strong. by floridagal
Remembering the four-legged friends who have shared our lives by Renee in Ohio
Charlie, Alachua, and exhaustion by Patricia Camburn Behnke
In Memoriam by Oscar in Louisville
Epilogue to a Love Story by Subway Serenade
Before signing off, I decided to head over to Cute Overload to find an animal pic that is both cute and *cool*. How about this?The folks at Cute Overload inform us that "this and many, many more melt-inducing pictures can be found in LiveJournal-Baby Animals.
You can also check out pandafix, for pics like this...
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