Why we need to support Subodh Chandra for Ohio Attorney General
Our primary in Ohio is less than 2 weeks away. Please help support Subodh Chandra for Attorney General. He is the most "howardly" candidate I've seen--well, since Howard Dean himself. For anyone who hasn't seen it before, the graphic below is a "Howardly"--a graphic designed by my husband. It is a tradition in the Blog for America comments to bestow this virtual award to candidates and grassroots activists who "done good", particularly in the area of bold, unflinching truth-telling.

It's high time I awarded one to Subodh, but I need to do more than that...
This morning, I looked at the Subodh Chandra bumper stickers sitting on top of my computer monitor, and then at the the calendar on the wall near my desk, and realized, "Dang, this primary is less than two weeks away--we really do need to get these on our cars!"
In addition to taking that fairly quick and simple step, I have also wanted to start turning more of my blog attention to this race as the date of the primary approaches. But my work schedule has been making it difficult to find the time or talent to adequately put into words the reasons Subodh Chandra is worthy of widespread grassroots support--especially in these last critical weeks.
This diary was recently posted at Buckeye State Blog: Volunteer for Subodh Chandra. In it, I posted the following comment:
I know it's a little thing, but I really could use some testimonials that I could post hereI'm going to find and post the links to official endorsements, as well as what bloggers have posted on their own sites. But it would be great to have people tell my readers--especially those who are not in Ohio and therefore have not followed this race as closely as the Ohio bloggers--what it is about Subodh Chandra that makes him an outstanding candidate they should support. After all, when Paul Hackett was still in the race, he had support not just locally but nationally.
...about why, specifically, Howard Dean supporters would want to support Subodh. I see that time is running short, and my work schedule is keeping me from having the time to do this thing right.
It would be great if I could have one personal endorsement a day--from bloggers--that I could post.
E-mail is howardempowered@gmail.com
Update: Hat tip to Buckeye State Blog for pulling together these links for me to share:
Here is a small selection.
Chandra On Offense
Endorsement Round Up Time !
Chandra Gets Another Endorsement
More Mo For Subodh
Score One For The Good Guys!
We Seriously Gotta Elect This Guy!
And finally, my endorsement : My Pre Primary Endorsements
Here's what Tim Tagaris, who now writes for the DNC blog, had to say after hearing Subodh Chandra speak for the first time, in the fall of 2005:
I cannot even count the number of political dinners I've attended over the past two years. Most are the same; a bunch of candidates for office stand up, recite a life story, and drone on about why they are the best choice for 'x' in 2004/2005/2006. But every so often, I am taken back by a candidate that truly speaks to a crowd. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it makes these dinners well worth the price of admission.Click here to read more and to see the videos Tim posted. And, if you're a member of Democracy for America, please voice your support for Subodh Chandra, who has applied to be a DFA-List candidate.
Tonight was one of those nights. The candidate was Subodh Chandra for Attorney General.
I rushed home to upload some video from the event, eager to share it with individuals from across the state who check into Grow Ohio on a daily basis. I hope you'll take a look, visit Subodh's website, and volunteer for his effort in whatever capacity you can, whenever the opportunity arises.
Alternate link for comments
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