Silly Spring Holiday Thread
Where is the American Society for the Protection of Marshmallow Animals when you need them? See the whole grisly experiment at Peeps, Smoking, and Alcohol. Or start at the the Peeps Research home page. Or, for additional demented marshmallow animal action, check out The Bunnies Strike Back.
By the way, I don't actually like to eat Peeps, being more of a foil-covered chocolate egg gal myself, but I'm enjoying the silliness. More of same at Bitch Ph.D. She linked to this Peeps Gallery, and also this article about Peeps in the New York Times. Which, I now discover, includes information about the Peep Research site I linked above...
In 1998, two Emory University scientists, Gary Falcon and James Zimring, produced what may be the definitive Peeps study. They dunked Peeps in liquid nitrogen, subjected them to 350-degree heat, and put them in a vacuum chamber, among other procedures. The results can be found at
Matthew Beals of Brooklyn, who is completing a documentary about Peeps, thinks the phenomenon is a function of the candy's iconic status. "What could be more American," he asked, "than something that's mass produced and covered in sugar?"
Also, at My Left Wing, check out Easter Bunny Tragically Slain by Vice President.
I know that some of us are celebrating Passover instead of or in addition to Easter. But I'm not aware of Passover having any explicitly secular aspects, the way Easter has all of the traditional candies and such. So, how to be inclusive, yet not offensive? And still keeping things light and silly, which is what I wanted for this post.
Well, it's not secular, but the Ten Plagues Finger Puppets have always seemed delightfully bizarre to me. I posted about this before, and people have attested that these are great for telling the story of Exodus to little ones. I can imagine that--it can take some creativity to share the sacred stories with the little ones.

Happy whatever it is you're celebrating--even if it's just a "restful Sabbath".
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