The silence is deafening
Over at My Left Wing, sean mykael managed to put into words something that has been bothering me, but that I hadn't yet found a way to express, regarding the relative silence of most of the bigger blogs with respect to Maryscott O'Connor's television appearance last night: The Silence is Deafening...
No mention from DailyKos...where Maryscott has been blogging pretty much from day one and whom I have to think has played some small part in making it the hub it is today
No mention from BooMan Tribune...whose first surge of active participation came from a sojourn of Kossacks who felt disillusioned by percieved sexism at DailyKos
No mention from MyDD...a site that has been promoting the building of broad coalitions from the grassroots up to match the powerful political and media machine of the right
No mention from Atrios...who just today has posted about Mike Stark's most recent call to a conservative pundit as well as posting of Kos' recent televsion appearance.
No mention from AmericaBlog...whose curator has met Maryscott personally and has even particpated in media training seminars with Maryscott so that she can better do exactly what it is she is trying to do.
No mention from Crooks & Liars...whose whole gig is to post video clips of recent media happenings concerning liberal politics
No mention from FireDogLake...a blog run by fellow women bloggers, some of whom have also met Maryscott in person and should know a thing or two about trying to be an outspoken women in a big boys club
Click for the rest.
Once again, those of us who are not the bloggers with the big microphones seriously need to find a way to organize.

I've said it before, and I'm most likely going to keep saying it. I don't have an action plan, but maybe one of these days, someone else will.
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