Friday, April 07, 2006

Needed: one pair of earplugs

See the birdie? The birdie is pretty, isn't she? The birdie is also playful and funny. The birdie is also...

Too. Damn. Loud.

I've had an insanely hectic day at work, being pulled in too many different directions and having to work with some pretty challenging individuals. I was supposed to call Demetrius at some point during the day and let him know if I wanted to go to the "First Friday" potluck at the local Unitarian Universalist church. About halfway into the day I called him to give a definite "no" on that, as I was sure by the end of the work day I wasn't going to want to be around other humans for a little while. I just wanted to be able to look forward to a bit of peace and quiet once I finally got through this day.

So, I'm finally home. Demetrius took the kids to the potluck, so there are no humans here with me. But "peace and quiet"? Not so much. When I thought about coming home and enjoying a quiet evening, I forgot about Zoe. She's not going to be quiet until she gets some attention. Oh well--the best laid plans of mice...

Anyway, as I mentioned in the comments of the last thread, I completely flaked about Maryscott O'Connor being on The Big Story with John Gibson today. She posted about the impeachment debate at My Left Wing and crossposted at Daily Kos, Booman Tribune, MyDD, and Political Cortex. Lots of comments on those threads if you're interested in following the discussion. If anyone posts a link to video of that appearance online, could someone please let me know in the comments? Thanks.

Alternate link for comments

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