Late night roundup/open thread
Looking forward to having SusanD's post reporting on an event she attended featuring Ohio Attorney General candidate Subodh Chandra. In the comments of the last thread she wrote:
This man is a complete and utter delight. Obviously highly intelligent, wonderful sense of humor. He cracked up the group several times. He teaches ethics, and I believe he actually *lives* them.
He got a standing ovation when he was finished speaking. More later.
In the meantime, here's a post from Buckeye Senate about his platform and here's a post about a candates' forum in Sandusky that took place on Sunday.
Corinne has a new post up at We've Got Howard Dean's Back about "Handwringing Democrats" and I have a new post up at Street Prophets. Check Democracy for Vermont to read about what needs to be done to move forward with impeachment proceedings against Bush. And, related to the post below this one, check out Booman's NSA Rant where we learn, among other things:
Bill Frist is threatening to change the rules of the Senate Intelligence Committee to limit the minority party's power to participate in oversight.
That man *must* be stopped. Do it for the kittens.

The following is from March 1, for anyone who missed it (I didn't see it myself until someone sent it to me today: Bush in India: Just Not Welcome by Arundhati Roy
Finally, the We Believe site is now online.
'Night, everybody.
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