Friday Morning Quick Links
Here's a link to an article about Obama "rallying Democrats, and throwing his support behind Lieberman". (Ned Lamont Ned Lamont Ned Lamont)
Addendum from Corinne: According to the Hartford Courant, the state party organization was less than hospitable to Ned Lamont. "Lamont was excluded from a roped-off compound of a dozen tables reserved by the podium for party leaders. He and his wife, Annie, sat at Table 96, by the entrance to the kitchen.
"He was joined by James Dean, who runs the liberal advocacy group Democracy for America. Dean is the brother of Howard Dean, Democratic Party chairman."
It's all about the company you keep, isn't it?
And a couple articles about Paul Hackett, who will be hosting Jerry Springer's show on Air America this morning:
Hackett's Happy
Hackett's Battle
Article about Subodh Chandra: Making the Primary Grade: Without his party’s endorsement, Chandra depends on real qualifications
Quick reminder: Censure hearing set for Friday at 9:30 a.m.
Some articles and audio clips about election reform on Bob Fitrakis' site (the Green candidate running for Governor in Ohio)
Finally, last night I posted more about the Jim Wallis event that recently took place in Columbus over at Faithful Ohio.
Happy Friday, everyone!That's a picture of Mom's next puppy that she's raising for CCI. He should be arriving today.
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